This repository contains computer code (in the R programming language) to replicate the ggACene (global gridded Air Conditioning energy) projections dataset, including preparing data, training models, and obtaining gridded projections. For queries:
To reproduce the model and generate the dataset from scratch, please refer to the following steps:
- Download input data "replication_package_input_data.7z" by cloning the following Zenodo data repository
- Decompress the folder using 7-Zip (
- Open RStudio and adjust the path folder in the sourcer.R script
- Run the sourcer.R script to train the ML model, make projections, and represent result files
Moreover, the archive (hosted on the Zenodo data repository) contains an R script and processed input data to replicate all the figures contained in the manuscript.
Falchetta, G., De Cian, E., Pavanello, F., & Wing, I. S. Inequalities in global residential cooling energy use to 2050. Nature Communications