An extension to manage timezones in dates.
This Extension is provided as-is and without warranty or support. It is not part of the PTC product suite and there is no PTC support.
This extension provides a widget to manage timezones in dates.
- debugMode - BOOLEAN (default = false): if set to true it sends to the browser's JS console a set of information useful for debugging the widget
- browserTimeZoneOffset - NUMBER (no default value): the browser timezone offset (in minutes)
- browserTimeZone - STRING (no default value): the browser timezone
- numberOfDates - INTEGER (default = 1): the number of dates to manage
- externalTimeZoneOffset - NUMBER (default = 0): the offset of an external timezone (in minutes)
- date1, ..., date<numberOfDates> - DATETIME (default = the current datetime): dynamic properties based on the value of numberOfDates, they are the datetime to manage
- date1TimeZoneType, ..., date<numberOfDates>TimeZoneType - STRING (default = 'b2t'): the type of timezone to use for each datetime (options: b2t, t2b)
- date1AddDays, ..., date<numberOfDates>AddDays - NUMBER (default = 0): the number of days to add to each datetime (used if and only if TimeZoneType = b2t)
- date1IfUndefined, ..., date<numberOfDates>IfUndefined - STRING (default = 'nothing'): The type of action to be taken if any date is undefined (options: nothing, create, create_add)
- date1Evaluated, ..., date<numberOfDates>Evaluated - DATETIME (no default value): the evaluated date
- date1Evaluate, ..., date<numberOfDates>Evaluate: service to be launched to process each date
- date1Evaluated, ..., date<numberOfDates>Evaluated: event thrown when each date is processed
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