Fit2Me is a web application that allows fitness seekers to connect with trainers in their area at outdoor or home locations. Please visit our website to try it out.
In the post CoronaVirus era many of us are still practicing social distancing and are having difficulty finding space and or equipment to workout freely. A healthy excercise routine is an integral part of many of our lives that is severely lacking during this pandemic. Fit2Me aims to accomodate the needs of its users by creating a platform where fitness seeker can not only connect with trainers but choose a location where the feel most safe and comfortable as well as sourcing the various workout equipment available to them.
Build a database that contains information about trainers and trainees
Construct a web application where trainees can meet schedule workouts with trainers
Allow users to search and tailor design a workout based on available equipment, trainer experience, and client satisfaction rating.
Trainees authentication and splash page with login and sign up buttons.
Trainees can search for trainers based on location equipment or trainer ratings and workout specialties
- Trainers will have profile pages listing their location, experience level, average client satisfaction, workout specialties, reviews, and a link to book a workout
Trainees can schedule a workout with a selected trainer by filling out a form with available time and date dropdowns and workout type
After a workout a trainee can leave a satifaction rating and review that will be displayed on a trainers profile page.
Fit2Me is constructed primarily with the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, and Node)
MongoDB/Express: Needed to store and fetch various attributes of users and trainers. The biggest challenge will be organizing and indexing properly so search queries can be efficient. We faced a lot of difficulty allowing the user search with multiple parameters at once because we wanted to simulate as realistic as a search as possible. Therefore, depending on how the user filled out the form, we had to conditionally disregard certain logic and search queries. We really had to rely on Mongoose's API in order to develop a dynamic query. Additionally we had to make sure the front and back end were communicating properly, so that we were always sending data in the correct format, regardless of the search query.
React/Node: Using them to display our application. Challenge will be to ensure that there are no dead links and that users can easily reserve a trainer. Another overall challenge we faced in our frontend development was ensuring our website wouldn't break on refresh. We ran into a lot of issues because the Redux state was getting cleared, and we had to throw in a lot of if-statements and default action calls to ensure that our state would be repopulated properly whenever it was refreshed.
Gigi Scarborough, Hojung Cha, Ralles Liu, Daniel Giovinazzo
Day 1 -Feb 1st.
- User Auth - User can create new account and log in with an existing account. - Daniel
- Float - Ralles
- Splash page styling. - Hojung
- Login page/sign in page. - Gigi
Day 2 - Feb 2nd.
- Search Page/Trainer Index - Gigi
- Trainer Show - Hojung
- Assiting with queries and forms- Ralles
- Trainers Schema and Search Controller- Daniel
Day 3 - Feb 3rd.
- Reservation Schema and joins association- Daniel
- Trainer Reservation Form - Hojung
- Reservation Styling and Search Styling - Gigi
- Building Reviews/Ratings Schema
Day 4 = Feb 4th
- Joins Associations for Reviews/Ratings - Daniel
- Finishing up back end - Ralles
- Styling the Reviews/Rating - Gigi
- Integrating Reviews and Ratings into the Search - Hojung
Day 5 - Feb 5th
- Additional Styling - Team