This is the source code repository of the cross-language plagiarism detection method CL-OSA.
CL-OSA is an algorithm to retrieve similar documents written in different languages and compare them at the character level by leveraging information on entities and their relationships from a local Wikidata dump.
The algorithm can be used to assist in plagiarism detection by performing ranked retrieval of potential source documents for a suspicious input document. Also, it can identify possibly plagiarized sections in the source documents.
The input is:
- a suspicious document (.txt)
- a list of candidate documents (.txt)
The output is:
- a map of scores with the ID of the suspicious document as the key and the ID of the candidate document and the similarity score as the value.
To execute the application standalone, you need to
- Set up a MongoDB database
- Import the Maven project
- Import the Java sources (optional)
- Use the OntologyUtil class
Use the code snippet and adjust the file paths
String suspiciousPath = "~/documents/en/35157967/0.txt";
String candidateFolderPath = "~/documents/ja/";
List<String> candidatePaths = FileUtils.listFiles(new File(candidateFolderPath), TrueFileFilter.TRUE, TrueFileFilter.TRUE)
Map<String, Double> candidateScoresMap = new OntologyBasedSimilarityAnalysis()
.executeAlgorithmAndComputeScores(suspiciousPath, candidatePaths);
- English (en)
- French (fr)
- German (de)
- Spanish (es)
- Chinese (zh)
- Japanese (ja)
CL-OSA takes documents as input and ranks them according to their semantic similarity. Also, CL-OSA can compare documents at the character level (currently set to PAN-PC-11, but this can be changed by modifying the source code, for an entry point see here: PANPC11CharacterLevelEval.doCharacterLevelEval).
CL-OSA does not search the internet for possible sources. This is addressed in different algorithms.
The Featurama project is an analysis tool to find correlations between variables during the detailed analysis process.
When having the possibility to choose between a multitude of parameters and scoring metrics, it can be used to find the optimal parametrization.
The project offers functionality to store and save observations during plagiarism detection. Each observation holds several features, which each have a name and numerical value. The observations are stored in an observation holder, which can be transformed into a matrix. For this matrix, the correlation and covariance matrices can be calculated. Furthermore, performing a PCA on the data and optionally reducing the dimension is possible. To use featurama, an observationHolder object must be initialized. For each observation, a new observation object is created and the features added by storing them in a hash map and adding this hash map to the observation. This observation is added to the observationHolder, which in turn can be saved by converting it to a matrix and saving as a CSV file.
To use CL-OSA, you need to set up a MongoDB database. Alternatively, you can use the Wikidata SPARQL API directly. In this case, you have to change the static import in WikidataEntityExtractor from
import static org.sciplore.pds.util.wikidata.WikidataDumpUtil.*;
import static org.sciplore.pds.util.wikidata.WikidataSparqlUtil.*;
However, this option is only recommended for testing purposes as
- the number of queries is limited,
- Wikidata is updated so frequently that results become non-deterministic, and
- querying a public web service is slow.
Set up using docker-compose.yml
Launch a new MongoDB instance on your desired host and port.
The default is a MongoDB instance running on localhost, port 27017. Then, run this Python script to import the Wikidata dump.
Usage is
python -h <host> -p <port>
If the current directory already contains a file named latest-all.json.bz2 the download step will be skipped. Otherwise, the download of a file of approx. 30 GB will start from Wikidata's dump site.
When the file has finished downloading or is already present, it will begin importing its contents into the given MongoDB instance. This takes about 52 hours. Make sure you have enough disk space available for the database, about 275 GB.
When the import and index creation has finished, you should have a database called "wikidata", containing the collections "entities", "entitiesGraph", and "entitiesHierarchyPersistent".
Add the following dependency to your pom.xml:
If your MongoDB instance does NOT run on localhost or runs on a port other than 27017, or if you plan to use a different Wikidata SPARQL host, create a file inside your main resource folder.
Standard configuration is the following:
Note: this step only applies if you would like to contribute to the project or if you plan on making direct changes to the code.
We recommend using IntelliJ IDEA to open the project and install the Maven dependencies. If you prefer using other tools, you will still need Maven. Checkout the project from the [GitHub repository]( and make sure you are inside the branch clpd-merge-backup-new.
To get all dependencies running, run
mvn install
inside the cloned repository directory.
Instantiate OntologyBasedSimilarityAnalysis with a LanguageDetector and a TextClassifier and execute the method "executeAlgorithmAndComputeScores". The first argument is the suspicious file path, the second argument is the candidate file path.
String suspiciousPath = "~/documents/en/35157967/0.txt";
String candidateFolderPath = "~/documents/ja/";
List<String> candidatePaths = FileUtils.listFiles(new File(candidateFolderPath), TrueFileFilter.TRUE, TrueFileFilter.TRUE)
Map<String, Double> candidateScoreMap = new OntologyBasedSimilarityAnalysis()
.executeAlgorithmAndComputeScores(suspiciousPath, candidatePaths);
The output is a scored map of candidates.
Pre-processing steps will be saved to a directory named preprocessed, which will be created in your home directory if the input documents are also in the home directory. Otherwise, the directory will be created in the root directory.
The test class contains unit tests for demonstration. It uses the test resource files that come with the Java project.
If you already know that your files are of a certain language or topic, instantiate a fitting LanguageDetector and TextClassifier and provide them to the OntologyBasedSimilarityAnalysis constructor:
LanguageDetector languageDetector = new LanguageDetector(Arrays.asList("en", "ja"));
TextClassifier textClassifier = new TextClassifier(Arrays.asList("fiction", "neutral"));
OntologyBasedSimilarityAnalysis analysis = new OntologyBasedSimilarityAnalysis(languageDetector, textClassifier);
When working with the .jar package, usage is the following:
java -jar closa-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -s suspicious_file.txt -c candidate_folder -o output.txt [-l lang1 lang2 -t topic1 topic2]
###Entity Extraction
If you are interested in extracting Wikidata entities from a text, you can use WikidataEntityExtractor's methods "extractEntitiesFromText" or "annotateEntitiesInText".
java -cp closa-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar com.iandadesign.closa.commandLine.WikidataEntityExtraction -i input.txt -o output.txt [-l lang1 lang2 -t topic1 topic2 -a]
The -a flag switches from simple entity list output to entity annotations inside the text using xml-like tags, e.g.
Scientists prove there is water on Mars
Scientists<span token="Scientists" qid="Q901"/> prove there is water<span token="water" qid="Q283"/> on Mars<span token="Mars" qid="Q111"/>
If you desire to evaluate CL-OSA in terms of precision, recall and F1-score for candidate retrieval, instantiate the class CLOSAEvaluationSet with the directory containing the suspicious files and the directory containing the candidate files.
try {
EvaluationSet evaluationSetCLOSA = new CLOSAEvaluationSet(
new File("~/documents/en"), "en",
new File("~/documents/ja"), "ja"
} catch (IOException e) {
Both folders need to contain the same number of files because the evaluation method assumes a one-to-one mapping between suspicious and candidate files. Because of this requirement, the suspicious files and their respective candidate file have to be named identically. If the suspicious file name contains the language code, the candidate has to contain its own language code instead, i.e.
suspicious file name | candidate file name |
001028739.EN.txt | 001028739.ZH.txt |
Fragment 014 05.txt | Fragment 014 05.txt |
If you do not know the documents' languages, or you are mixing languages inside the directories, you can omit the language parameter. In this case, both file names have to be identical:
try {
EvaluationSet evaluationSetCLOSA = new CLOSAEvaluationSet(
new File("~/fragments"),
new File("~/sources")
} catch (IOException e) {
If you would like to increase the pool of possible candidate files that have no suspicious file associated, you can add a third directory parameter:
try {
EvaluationSet evaluationSetCLOSA = new CLOSAEvaluationSet(
new File("~/documents/en"), "en",
new File("~/documents/ja"), "ja",
new File("~/documents/extra")
} catch (IOException e) {
CL-OSA offers a component to compare documents at the character level and find possible plagiarism within the PAN-PC-11 dataset.
Downloading the PAN-PC-11 corpus and placing it in the path defined in is a prerequisite:
public static String pathPrefix = "/data/pan-plagiarism-corpus-2011/external-detection-corpus";
public static String preprocessedCachingDir = "/data/CLOSA_data/preprocessed";
The bash script allows running the PAN-PC-11 detailed evaluation. A single run of the evaluation can be started like this:
cd cl-osa-tng
# Modify the settings of the PAN-PC-11 detailed evaluation
vim ./src/main/java/com/iandadesign/closa/model/
# Run the evaluaton-script: this recompiles the java code and saves logs with <nameOfTest> prefix
# The nohup command is optional, but recommended when running longer tests
# The output can be muted with '&' it is redirected to a file in './mylogs/<nameOfTest><params' prefix
nohup ./ <nameOfTest> &
# Watch the current log (if nohup and & is used)
watch -n 1 tail -n 35 ./nohup.out
The bash script allows running multiple PAN-PC-11 detailed evaluations, i.e. for testing multiple sets of parameters.
cd cl-osa-tng
# Modify the basic settings of the PAN-PC-11 detailed evaluation
vim ./src/main/java/com/iandadesign/closa/model/
# Modify the batched script (especially <batch base name>)
# Run the batched script
# The nohup command is optional, but recommended when running longer tests
# The output can be muted with '&' it is redirected to a file in './mylogs/<batch base name><params' prefix
nohup ./ &
# Watch the current log (if nohup and & is used)
watch -n 1 tail -n 35 ./nohup.out
The CL-OSA pipeline consists of the following steps:
- Preprocessing
- Tokenization and named entity recognition
- Text classification
- Entity extraction
- Entity filtering by topic
- Entity filtering by named entity type
- Entity disambiguation
- Analysis
- Calculate the cosine similarity of all document pairs (or selected document fragments)
- Return the top-ranked document (or fragments)
- (in detailed analysis) Merge possibly plagiarized fragments based on their proximity within the document
The relevant classes, sorted in decreasing order of their relevance. For general use, the first class is sufficient.
- OntologyBasedSimilarityAnalysis: main class
- WikidataEntity: represents a Wikidata entity
- WikidataEntityExtractor: converts a text to a list of Wikidata entities
- WikidataDisambiguator: resolves lists of Wikidata entity candidates to a single one
- WikidataDumpUtil: queries entity and ontology data from the MongoDB database
- WikidataSparqlUtil: queries entity properties from Wikidata's SPARQL endpoint
- TokenUtil: performs tokenization on texts, including NER
- Dictionary: builds inverted index dictionaries
- WordNetUtil: uses WordNet to map verbs to nouns of same meaning
- PAN11CharacterLevelEval PAN-PC-11 based detailed analysis evaluation
The methods called, starting with the "main" method executeAlgorithmAndComputeScores inside OntologyUtil:
- OntologyBasedSimilarityAnalysis.executeAlgorithmAndComputeScores
- OntologyBasedSimilarityAnalysis.preProcess
- OntologyBasedSimilarityAnalysis.extractEntitiesFromText
- WikidataEntityExtractor.extractEntitiesFromText
- extractEntitiesFromTextWithoutDisambiguation
- TokenUtil.namedEntityTokenize
- TextClassificationUtil.classifyText
- WordNetUtil.mapVerbToNoun
- WikidataDumpUtil.getEntitiesByToken
- WikidataSparqlUtil.isInstance
- WikidataSparqlUtil.isLocation
- WikidataSparqlUtil.isHuman
- WikidataSparqlUtil.isOrganization
- WikidataSparqlUtil.isNaturalNumber
- WikidataSparqlUtil.isHumanLanguage
- WikidataSparqlUtil.getPropertyValue
- TokenUtil.isLatinAlphabet
- WikidataSparqlUtil.isGene
- WikidataSparqlUtil.isNaturalNumber
- WikidataEntity.ancestorCountDisambiguate
- extractEntitiesFromTextWithoutDisambiguation
- WikidataEntityExtractor.extractEntitiesFromText
- OntologyBasedSimilarityAnalysis.extractEntitiesFromText
- OntologyBasedSimilarityAnalysis.performCosineSimilarityAnalysis
- Dictionary
- OntologyBasedSimilarityAnalysis.preProcess
You can create issues here:
If you wish to contribute, please create a feature branch named YYYY-MM-dd_name_of_feature. When your branch is ready to review, please create a pull request.
A new snapshot version is set like this:
$ mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=1.x-SNAPSHOT
A new version is set like this:
$ mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=1.x
Create a GPG key for signing.
gpg --gen-key
The public key's last 8 characters are the key id:
gpg --list-keys
Publish the key:
gpg --keyserver --send-keys {{keyId}}
Settings file ~/.m2/settings.xml should look like this:
<settings xmlns="">
$ mvn verify -DskipTests=true -Denv=deploy
$ mvn deploy -Denv=deploy
Release via the OSS Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager. A repository called comiandadesign with status open should be present. Close it and wait for the tests to succeed.