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Releases: gisler/DTSg

DTSg v1.1.3

30 Sep 11:47
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  • Ceased use of legacy time zone symlinks in tests.
  • Bumped minimum tested R version from 4.0.2 to 4.2.3 using the corresponding Posit public package manager snapshot.
  • Slightly improved documentation.
  • Minor internal code improvements.

DTSg v1.1.1

08 Jun 21:09
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  • Column names can often now be additionally specified by a character string containing either comma separated column names, for example, "x,y,z", or the start and end column separated by a colon, for example, "x:z".
  • Fixed a bug in interpolateLinear() causing partial last observation carried forward behaviour when its roll argument was specified smaller than the size of the gap to be interpolated.
  • Fixed a bug in interpolateLinear() causing partial interpolation in certain cases when its roll argument was specified smaller than the size of the gap to be interpolated.
  • Slightly improved documentation.

DTSg v1.0.0

02 May 19:55
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  • Added funbyApproach argument to new(), aggregate(), colapply() and subset() methods: allows for specifying the flavour of the applied temporal aggregation level functions (either "base" utilising as.POSIXct() or "fasttime" utilising fasttime::fastPOSIXct() or "RcppCCTZ" utilising RcppCCTZ::parseDatetime() as the main function for transforming timestamps). Custom approaches for user defined TALFs are also possible. Please note that the byFasttime* versions of the TALFs are now deprecated. Use this argument from now on instead.
  • Added funbyApproach also to the list of helper data (funbyHelpers argument) passed on to TALFs.
  • Added funbyApproach field reflecting the individual funbyApproach of a DTSg object (can also be actively set in order to change the utilised approach).
  • Added undocumented names() method exclusive only to the R6 interface acting as an alias for the cols() method.
  • Added mode and typeof arguments to cols() method: allows for getting column names with a certain mode() and/or typeof(). This can be especially handy when making use of the units package.
  • Added DTSgFast, DTSgFunbyApproach and DTSgNA.status options providing default values for the fast, funbyApproach and na.status arguments of the new() method.
  • Added DTSgDeprecatedWarnings option: allows for disabling warnings from deprecated features.
  • Greatly sped up by______() and byFasttime______() TALFs.
  • It is no longer possible to use the deprecated value "all" with the class argument of the cols() method in order to get all column names. Use the default value NULL instead for this. "all" is treated as a filter for classes of type all from now on.
  • Added an example to the setCols() method showing how to set measurement units with the help of the units package.
  • Added an example to the documentation of the colapply() method showing how to calculate running correlations with the help of the runner package.
  • Bumped minimum tested R version from 3.5.2 to 4.0.2 using the corresponding MRAN repository snapshot.
  • Slightly improved documentation.
  • Minor internal code improvements.

DTSg v0.8.1

27 Oct 23:33
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  • Added a “special class” called ".numerary" available to the class argument of the cols() method: allows for querying the names of integer and numeric columns in one go.
  • Added undocumented raggregate(), rbind(), set() and setnames() methods exclusive only to the R6 interface acting as aliases for the rowaggregate(), rowbind(), setCols() and setColNames() methods.
  • print() method now truncates the number of printed rows of the values more aggressively.
  • Created a pkgdown website.
  • Improved vignettes and documentation.

DTSg v0.7.1

30 May 17:04
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  • Fixed error "Error in prettyNum(.Internal(format(x, trim, digits, nsmall, width, 3L, : invalid value 0 for 'digits' argument" related to tests in upcoming R 4.2.0.
  • Slightly improved documentation.
  • Minor internal code improvements.

DTSg v0.7.0

05 Sep 08:06
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  • Added rowaggregate() method: allows for applying summary functions row-wise to a DTSg object.
  • Added rowbind() method: allows for combining the rows of a DTSg object.
  • Added setColNames() method: allows for renaming columns of a DTSg object.
  • Added multiplier and funbyHelpers arguments to aggregate(), colapply() and subset() methods: allows for adjusting the temporal aggregation level of TALFs and for passing on user defined helper data to TALFs.
  • Added multiplier also to the list of helper data passed on to TALFs.
  • Added helpers argument to colapply() and rollapply() methods: controls if helper data is passed on to an applied function (makes occasionally needed anonymous function wrappers obsolete, e.g. x$colapply(fun = function(x, ...) {cumsum(x)}, funby = byYm____) can now be written as x$colapply(fun = cumsum, helpers = FALSE, funby = byYm____)).
  • TALFs based on the fasttime package now also support time zones equivalent to UTC (execute grep("^(Etc/)?(UCT|UTC)$|^(Etc/)?GMT(\\+|-)?0?$", OlsonNames(), = TRUE, value = TRUE) for a full list of supported time zones).
  • Fixed that a DTSg object with only one timestamp did not set the name of its .dateTime column as expected.
  • Improved vignettes and documentation.
  • Minor internal code improvements.

DTSg v0.6.0

13 Jul 20:30
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  • Added subset() method: allows for filtering rows and/or selecting columns of a DTSg object.
  • Added setCols() method: allows for setting the values of columns of, adding columns to and/or removing columns from a DTSg object.
  • Added [ extract operator: acts as a shortcut for the getCol() method.
  • Added examples to the documentation of the colapply() method showing how to calculate moving averages with the help of the runner package instead of the rollapply() method.
  • aggregate() method can benefit from data.table's GForce optimisation now when its fun argument is provided with a character vector specifying summary functions.
  • Greatly sped up nas() method.
  • Temporal aggregation level functions supplied to the funby argument of the colapply() method are not forced to return a POSIXct timestamp any longer. They are, however, forced to return an atomic mode (the same goes for the subset() method).
  • getCol() method now is capable of also querying the .dateTime column.
  • R6Method argument of S3WrapperGenerator() function now also takes a public method of an R6ClassGenerator as a function and not only as an expression.
  • Fixed that not all missing values were made explicit after a call to the merge() method despite an "explicit" na.status in some cases.
  • Fixed that getCol() method tried to query all numeric columns instead of only the first one by default.
  • Improved vignettes and documentation.
  • Minor internal code improvements.

DTSg v0.5.0

09 Jun 18:55
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  • Added getCol() method: allows for querying the values of a single column of a DTSg object.
  • Added funby and ignoreDST arguments to colapply() method: allows for applying functions like cumsum() to a certain temporal level.
  • Added na.status argument to new() and alter() methods: allows for making missing values either "explicit" (default) or "implicit" or leaving them alone via "undecided".
  • Added na.status field reflecting the status of missing values (can also be actively set).
  • Added na.status also to the list of helper data passed on to temporal aggregation level functions.
  • funby argument of aggregate() method now also accepts a named list of functions: allows for calculating several summary statistics at once.
  • periodicity field can now be actively set in order to change the periodicity of the time series.
  • timezone field can now be actively set in order to convert the time zone of the series.
  • Fixed that a DTSg object with only one timestamp accepted a missing value in its .dateTime column.
  • Improved vignettes and documentation.
  • Minor internal code improvements.

DTSg v0.4.1

08 May 07:45
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  • Fixed error "Error in as.POSIXct.numeric(e) : 'origin' must be supplied" related to rollback() function in upcoming R 4.1.0.
  • Slightly improved vignettes.
  • Minor internal code improvements.

DTSg v0.4.0

29 Mar 09:51
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  • Added memoryOverCPU argument to rollapply() method: allows for preferring CPU over memory usage which makes the method more flexible in terms of resource consumption.
  • Settings of option DTSgClone in e.g. .RProfile are now respected and not overwritten by TRUE when the package is loaded.
  • Fixed useless coercion of POSIXct .dateTime columns to POSIXct upon object creation in case they contained at least one missing value.
  • Switched to unit testing framework of the tinytest package instead of the testthat package.
  • Slightly improved vignettes and documentation.
  • Minor internal code improvements.