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Using GitUp Advanced Commit View

Pierre-Olivier Latour edited this page Mar 2, 2016 · 2 revisions


The "Advanced Commit" view is intended for experienced Git users as it lets control precisely how commits are prepared and created through the repository index (aka "staging area") and working directory.

If you want a simpler commit interface, consider using the "Simple Commit" view instead.

You can toggle between the "Simple" and "Advanced" commit modes from the GitUp preferences accessible from the "GitUp" menu.

Mouse Interface

  • To select lines to stage or unstage, click in the line numbers margin of the diff area (you can also extend the line selection by pressing Shift and Cmd as in standard Mac apps)
  • You can select multiple files in the "Working Directory" and "Index" file lists using Shift and Cmd (same as in standard Mac apps)
  • Stage or stage files by dragging them between the "Working Directory" and "Index" file lists
  • You can also double-click on files to stage or unstage them

Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Tab to switch between the "Working Directory" file list, "Index" file list and commit message form
  • Arrow up & Arrow down to select a different file (combine with Shift to select multiple files)
  • Return to stage or unstage the selected file(s) or line(s)
  • Delete to discard changes from the selected file(s) or line(s) (working Directory only)
  • U to unstage all files from the "Index" file list
  • S to stage all files in the "Working Directory" file list
  • Opt-D to discard changes from all files in the "Working Directory" file list
  • O to open the selected file(s) with their default external editors
  • D to view the diffs for the selected file(s) with the external diff tool
  • R to resolve the merge conflicts for the selected file(s) with the external merge diff tool
  • M to mark the selected file(s) with merge conflicts as resolved
  • A to enable / disable amending HEAD
  • Return to insert a newline in the commit message form
  • Opt-Return to perform the commit


  • If you did commit by mistake, you can undo the commit with Cmd-Z or from the "Edit" menu
  • If you discard all changes in a file, it will actually be moved to the Trash where you can still retrieve later if needed
  • You can view the diff for a specific file with the external diff tool using the action menu (gear icon)
  • You can resize the panes by putting your mouse over a divider and dragging
  • You can copy the names of the selected files with Cmd-C

More Information