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Using GitUp Reflog

Pierre-Olivier Latour edited this page Mar 2, 2016 · 1 revision


GitUp makes it much easier to interact with the Git repository reflog than through the command line. No need to figure out which branch reflog to look at, or peruse long logs attempting to guess where is that commit you lost.

The Reflog pane in GitUp shows a simple unified view of all reflogs in the repository i.e. across all branches. Furthermore, similar reflog entries that appear in multiple branches are automatically de-duplicated.

Resurrecting Lost or Unreachable Commits

Start by choosing "Browse Reflog…" in the "Repository" menu to show the Reflog pane. Using the mouse or arrow keys, you can navigate among the reflog entries and see which commits they correspond to on the map. Commits that are unreachable (i.e. not on any branch anymore) cannot be shown on the map and are also indicated using darker text in the reflog browser.

Use the "Restore" button available for unreachable commits to create a new local branch pointing to the commit, making it reachable again.


  • As usual with GitUp, if you restored the wrong commit, you can undo with Cmd-Z or from the "Edit" menu