Tallyho is a visual schedule application where Users can sign up for an account and make a visual schedule to cater to their child's day routine. This minimizes the labor of making a visual schedule or PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System) to use an easy accessible online aplication. The User can create multiple tasks to build their schedule as well check off individual tasks when tasks are completed. The User can delete a task of their choosing. The User can edit and save multiple tasks on the same page.
Live demo: https://sophie-tally-ho-app.now.sh
Server Repo: https://github.com/gjames5355/tallyho-server
Username: test@gmail.com
Password: !Testing123
ReactJS, CSS
Ability to create/login with user accounts
Ability to create/edit/delete tasks
Users can check off tasks
User can click and drag tasks to rearrange the order
User will be able to upload a personal image from their local computer or have the option to take a picture using their mobile device's camera
After all tasks are checked off, it will show a congratulatory animation for completing the schedule