A video aggregation engine and interface built with asynchronous Javascript.
File Descriptions:
index.html The initial DOM, to be populated with channel and video infornmation from ReleTV_core.js. Contains code for both desktop and mobile web views.
stylesheet.css Styles for the desktop and mobile web views.
ReleTV_core.js Asynchronous loads the desktop/mobile website alongside retriving the requests to get the video infornmation.
ReleTV_config.js Contains the configuration details of the site, including what channels to get videos from, as well as addiontal video sources, and advertisment configuration.
ReleTV_color_config.css Site color config.
fakeScroll.js A small script to stylize the scrollbar.
pep.js A small script to enhance mobile web expirience. Thank you briangonzalez.
promise.js Script to define the otherwise un-defined javascript Promise() tool for Internet Explorer 9+.
tooltip.js Script to efficiently display tooltips on hover over certian elements.
xml2json.php A PHP file to allow cross domain XMLHttpRequests to be done.