This implementation can solve wordle puzzles or let you play wordle puzzles.
I'm not distributing a word list as I don't know that I have license to do so. The game uses two word lists:
for all the valid wordsplay.txt
for a list of words to randomly select from as the target word
The application runs in one of three modes and has configurable letter view and computer search strategy.
Key bindings:
- Enter - Submit word
- Backspace - Delete last input
- ? - Ask computer to select a word
- CtrlC - Quit
Solve mode bindings:
- B - Mark a letter black - This letter is not in the target word
- Y - Mark a letter yellow - This letter is in the target word, but not at this location
- G - Mark a letter green - This letter is correct for this location
Usage: wordle [FLAGS] MODE
solve - Program guesses a secret word, reply with 'b' 'y' 'g'
play - Program picks a random word, type in your guess words
give - User types in the secret words, then types in guess words
--dict=FILE Dictionary
--words=FILE Word list
--worstcase Strategy: worst case
--maxentropy Strategy: maximum entropy
--sumofsquares Strategy: sum of squares
--mostchoices Strategy: most choices (default)
--easy Disable hard mode (default)
--hard Enable hard mode
--qwerty Keyboard layout: qwerty (default)
--dvorak Keyboard layout: dvorak
--colemak Keyboard layout: colemak
--alphabet Keyboard layout: alphabet
--frequencies Keyboard layout: frequencies
See wordle in action: