A DSL for building simple GUI nim application. Based on gtk.
From now, only Button, Label, DrawingArea, V/HBox
A window is created, by apply a command to a string ... the string become the title of the window:
include gtk_dsl
"title of window".gtk_app(200,230): # 200,300 : minimum width/heigth of the window
....descibe the containt of the window
stack put widget in vertically order :
"title of window".gtk_app(200,230): # 200,300 : minimum width/heigth of the window
label "A "
label "B "
this create 2 labels , each one share the verticale space when the windo is resizable (by mouse action)
Flow put widget horizontally :
"title of window".gtk_app(200,230):
label "A "
label "B "
Using *i commande, the widget use only necessary space for his display.
"title of window".gtk_app(200,230):
labeli "A "
label "B "
This create a label "A', and fill the bottom window with the label B. resizing the window, 'A' keep his space, 'B' expand to all space disponible.
Other example: a text pannel with two button bottom :
"title of window".gtk_app(200,230):
label "A "
A label take all space, a line of buttons is keeping at button.
- objectify (too much globals variables)
- add style
- support a bunch of widget
- tests unit
- not yet a nimble module...