Njörðr, god of the wind and the sea.
This library is a wrapper around HTTPoison
to build client REST API libraries
as specifications.
defmodule Github do
use Njord
@url "https://api.github.com"
def valid_username(username) when is_binary(username), do: true
def valid_username(_), do: false
def process_url(%Njord{} = request, path, _state) do
%Njord{request | url: @url <> path}
@doc """
Calls the `GET https://api.github.com/users/:username` service. Requests the
repositories from the `user`. Additionally, `HTTPoison` `options` can be
defget :get_repos,
[path: "/users/:user",
arguments: [user: [type: :path_arg,
validation: fn user -> valid_username(user) end]]]
The previous example generates a module called Github
with two functions:
that receives the user and returns the repositories from that user. -
that receives the user and a list of options. This options are the same options passed to the functions inHTTPoison
with the extra option:state
. The state can be any Elixir term. This state is used in the functions that process the requests and the response.
The macro defget
sends a GET
request to the URL. For the other methods use
the macro that you need: defget
, defpost
, defput
, defdelete
, defhead
, defoptions
iex(1)> Github.get_repos("alexdesousa")
{:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{...}}
Like HTTPoison
, Njord
defines the following list of functions, all of
which can be overriden:
alias HTTPoison.Response
# Processes the endpoint URL after the substitutions.
@spec process_url(Njord.t, String.t, term) :: Njord.t
def process_url(request, url, state)
# Processes the request headers.
@spec process_headers(Njord.t, [{binary, binary}], term) :: Njord.t
def process_headers(request, headers, state)
# Processes the request body.
@spec process_body(Njord.t, term, term) :: Njord.t
def process_body(request, body, state)
# Processes the response headers.
@spec process_response_headers(name, Response.t, [{binary, binary}], term)
:: Response.t
when name: {function_name, arity}, function_name: atom, arity: integer
def process_response_headers(name, response, headers, state)
# Processes the response body.
@spec process_response_body(name, Response.t, String.t, term)
:: Response.t
when name: {function_name, arity}, function_name: atom, arity: integer
def process_response_body(name, response, body, state)
# Processes the status code of the request.
@spec process_status_code(name, Response.t, integer, term)
:: Response.t
when name: {function_name, arity}, function_name: atom, arity: integer
def process_status_code(name, response, status_code, state)
Just add it to your dependencies in your mix.exs
def deps do
[{:njord, "~> 1.0.2"}]