The TCGA API that this relied no longer exists and this project has been deprecated in favor of PyGDC
Python library for accessing and processing public TCGA data
import pytcga
# Get a list of study names and their abbreviations
studies = pytcga.load_studies()
import pytcga
# Downloading and loading LUAD patient data
clinical = pytcga.load_clinical_data('luad')
import pytcga
# Downloading and loading LUAD mutations
luad_mutations = \
pytcga.load_mutation_data(disease_code='LUAD', with_clinical=False)
# Also appends clinical data with `with_clinical` flag
luad_mutations = \
pytcga.load_mutation_data(disease_code='LUAD', with_clinical=True)
# Filter variants with the `variant_type` argument
# variant_type = {'all', 'indel', SNP', 'INS', 'DEL'}
luad_indel_mutations = \
pytcga.load_mutation_data(disease_code='LUAD', with_clinical=True, variant_type='indel')
import pytcga
# Downloading and loading LUAD gene quantification
luad_rnaseq = \
pytcga.load_rnaseq_data(disease_code='LUAD', with_clinical=True)