NOLAdex is simply a digital rolodex, a collection of the many talented people of Greater New Orleans. Here are some ways we think you'd love to use it: * find people like you to hangout with * hire talent connect digitally to others by creating your own profile
This project was created by the generous volunteers who participated in the second day 'Hack Day' of BarCampNola4 on the weekend of July 16-17, 2011. This site is further maintained by gnocode.
Also, giving credit where credit is due: Prtlnd | Des Mob
Just follow these steps to get started on submitting pull requests!
- Fork this repo
- create a noladex gemset in rvm
- run "bundle install"
- run "rake db:setup"
- run "rails server" and double check everything is working for you.
- run "rake db:test:prepare" to setup the test database
- in a separate terminal window, run "guard" to setup the testing suite
- Change and submit a pull request back to us! Also, please try to have a corresponding test to accompany whatever change you make if you can. Otherwise we have to do it, and that makes us sad :(
Also, there are folks at Ruby Bayou every Tuesday at 7pm who are also probably hacking around on this. Feel free to come by and join if you'd like to help but aren't sure where / how to start!