Conf is a front-end for that supports config files.
package main
import (
func main() {
cfg, err := conf.Load[Config](
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to load config: %s", err)
type Config struct {
Int int `long:"i" yaml:"int" description:"int"`
IntDefault int `long:"id" default:"1" yaml:"intDefault" description:"int with a default"`
Float64 float64 `long:"f" yaml:"float64" description:"float64"`
Float64Default float64 `long:"fd" default:"-3.14" yaml:"float64Default" description:"float64 with a default"`
NumericFlag bool `short:"3" long:"n" yaml:"numericFlag" description:"numeric flag"`
String string `long:"str" yaml:"string" description:"string"`
StringDefault string `long:"strd" default:"abc" yaml:"stringDefault" description:"string with a default"`
StringNotUnquoted string `long:"strnot" unquote:"false" yaml:"stringNotUnquoted" description:"string not unquoted"`
Time time.Duration `long:"t" yaml:"time" description:"time"`
TimeDefault time.Duration `long:"td" default:"1m" yaml:"timeDefault" description:"time with a default"`
Map map[string]int `long:"m" yaml:"map" description:"map"`
MapDefault map[string]int `long:"md" default:"a:1" yaml:"mapDefault" description:"map with a default"`
Slice []int `long:"s" yaml:"slice" description:"slice"`
SliceDefault []int `long:"sd" default:"1" default:"2" yaml:"sliceDefault" description:"slice with a default"`
go run ./examples/conf/ --help
conf [OPTIONS]
Application Options:
--i= int
--id= int with a default (default: 1)
--f= float64
--fd= float64 with a default (default: -3.14)
-3, --n numeric flag
--str= string
--strd= string with a default (default: abc)
--strnot= string not unquoted
--t= time
--td= time with a default (default: 1m)
--m= map
--md= map with a default (default: a:1)
--s= slice
--sd= slice with a default (default: 1, 2)
--conf= config file paths
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message
go run ./examples/conf/
int: 3
intDefault: 13
float64: 2.712
float64Default: 1.1234
numericFlag: false
string: asdf
stringDefault: defg
stringNotUnquoted: ""
time: 13s
timeDefault: 11m0s
val1: 3
val2: 4
val21: 21
val22: 22
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6