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A high-performance(maybe) crawler framework based on fasthttp.


1 Create a new Crawler

import ""

func main() {
	c := predator.NewCrawler(
		predator.WithUserAgent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:90.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/90.0"),
		predator.WithCookies(map[string]string{"JSESSIONID": cookie}), // or use predator.WithRawCookie(cookie string)
		predator.WithProxy(ip), // or use a proxy pool -> predator.WithProxyPool([]string)

Please refer to predator/options.go for all options。

2 Send request with GET method

// BeforeRequest can do some patching on the request before sending it
c.BeforeRequest(func(r *predator.Request) {
	headers := map[string]string{
		"Accept":           "*/*",
		"Accept-Language":  "zh-CN",
		"Accept-Encoding":  "gzip, deflate",
		"X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest",
		"Origin":           "",


c.AfterResponse(func(r *predator.Response) {
	// Get the required parameters from the context
	id := r.Ctx.GetAny("id").(int)
	name := r.Ctx.Get("name")
	page := r.Ctx.Get("page")


// Send a request

// Or send a request with context
ctx, _ := context.AcquireCtx()
ctx.Put('page', 1)
ctx.Put("id", 10)
ctx.Put("name", "Tom")
c.GetWithCtx("", ctx)

3 Send request with POST method

3.1 Request body's media-type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded

// BeforeRequest can do some patching on the request before sending it
c.BeforeRequest(func(r *predator.Request) {
	headers := map[string]string{
		"Accept":           "*/*",
		"Accept-Language":  "zh-CN",
		"Accept-Encoding":  "gzip, deflate",
		"X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest",
		"Origin":           "",


c.AfterResponse(func(r *predator.Response) {
	// Get the required parameters from the context
	id := r.Ctx.GetAny("id").(int)
	name := r.Ctx.Get("name")


body := map[string]string{"foo": "bar"}

// Send a request with context
ctx, _ := context.AcquireCtx()
ctx.Put("id", 10)
ctx.Put("name", "Tom")

c.Post("", body, ctx)

If you don't need to pass a context, you can pass nil

c.Post("", body, nil)

3.2 Request body's media-type is multipart/form-data

Please refer to the complete example:

3.3 Request body's media-type is application/json

import (


type User struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`
	Age  int    `json:"age"`

func main() {
	c := predator.NewCrawler()

	c.ParseJSON(true, func(j json.JSONResult) {

	body := map[string]any{
		"time": 156546535,
		"cid":  "10_18772100220-1625540144276-302919",
		"args": []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5},
		"dict": map[string]string{
			"mod": "1592215036_002", "t": "1628346994", "eleTop": "778",
		"user": User{"Tom", 13},

	c.PostJSON("", body, nil)

3.4 Request body's media-type is others

If the three request functions above cannot meet your needs, please send your own binary request body via PostRaw.

func (c *Crawler) PostRaw(URL string, body []byte, ctx pctx.Context) error

4 Allow Redirects

Redirection is disabled by default.

If you need to use redirects, you need to set the maximum number of redirects allowed via AllowRedirect in BeforeRequest.

c.BeforeRequest(func(r *predator.Request) {
	if r.URL()[8:12] == "abcd" {
	} else if r.URL()[8:12] == "efgh" {

Setting global redirects is not allowed.

5 Context

The context is an interface, and the following two contexts are currently implemented:

  • ReadOp:Based on sync.Map, it is suitable for scenarios with many reading contexts

    ctx, err := AcquireCtx(context.ReadOp)
  • WriteOp(Default):Based on map, it is suitable for scenarios where the frequency of reading and writing is not much different or there are more writes than reads. This is the default context

    ctx, err := AcquireCtx()

If you implement the Context interface yourself:

ctx := YourContext()

6 Parse the HTML response

Responses to web requests are mostly HTML and JSON.

You can use the ParseHTML method to find html elements in combination with CSS selector.

⚠️ The Content-Type of the response header must be text/html.

crawl := NewCrawler()

crawl.ParseHTML("#main", func(he *html.HTMLElement) {

	h, err := he.InnerHTML()

	h, err := he.OuterHTML()







	he.Child("p", 2)


	he.ChildAttr("p", "class")

	he.ChildrenAttr("p", "class")



	he.Each("li>a", func (i, h) {
		if i < 10 {
			return false
		} else {
			return true

	he.FindChildByText("span.addr", "New York")

	he.FindChildByStripedText("span.addr", "New York") // if addr like '    New York  '

7 Goroutine pool

c := NewCrawler(
	// Use a goroutine pool with a capacity of 30 for web requests

c.AfterResponse(func(r *predator.Response) {
	// handle response

for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
	c.Post("", map[string]string{
		"id": fmt.Sprint(i + 1),
	}, nil)


8 Cache

By default no cache is used.

Cache is an interface.

SQLite-based caching is currently implemented.

If the response length is too long, in order to reduce the space usage, you can enable cache compression.

import (

// SQLite3
c := NewCrawler(
		URI: "test.sqlite",
	}, true), // enable compression

9 Proxy

You can use proxy pool:

predator.WithProxyPool([]string{"http://ip:port", "socks5://ip:port"})

A proxy is randomly selected from the proxy pool before each request.

When a proxy fails it is automatically removed from the proxy pool, and panic when the proxy pool is empty.

To avoid panic, you can use WithComplementProxyPool to supplement the proxy pool when the proxy pool is empty.

func GetProxyIPs() []string {
	api := "http://proxy.api"
	client := &fasthttp.Client{}
	body := make([]byte, 0)
	_, body, err := client.Get(body, api)
		if err != nil {

	return strings.Split(string(body), "\r\n")


10 Logging

Based on zerolog.

Logging is off by default.

Use the WithLogger option to enable logging:

func WithLogger(logger *log.Logger) CrawlerOption

If logger is nil, logs of level WARNING and above will be printed to the console.

	crawler := predator.NewCrawler(
		predator.WithLogger(nil), // equal to predator.WithDefaultLogger()

If you want to print lower level logs, refer to the following code:

import ""

func main() {
	// print to console
	logger := log.NewLogger(log.DEBUG, log.ToConsole(), 1)
	// save to file
	logger := log.NewLogger(log.DEBUG, log.MustToFile("demo.log", -1), 1)
	// print to console and save to file
	logger := log.NewLogger(log.DEBUG, log.MustToConsoleAndFile("demo.log", -1), 1)

	crawler := predator.NewCrawler(

11 Other considerations

If you need to serialize some data structures into json strings, or deserialize json strings, it is recommended to use instead of encdoing/json.

import ""

json.Marshal(any) ([]byte, error)
json.Unmarshal([]byte, any) error
json.UnmarshalFromString(string, any) error