go-mbgl aims to provide Go bindings for Mapbox GL native's C++ API.
WARNING: This project is under heavly development, and is not production ready.
WARNING: This will only work on Linux
This repository depends on git-lfs
- cmd/snap -- Holds the primary CLI (command line interface) tool. This tool servers both as a raster tile server, and static map generator.
- mbgl/simplifed -- Go bindings for snapshot API.
- mbgl/c -- the C bridge for Go. (Not working?)
- mbgl/c/linux/lib -- location of the precompiled Linux libraries.
Running the following commands should set up a working development environment
docker build -t mbgl .
docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/go/src/github.com/go-spatial/go-mbgl -it mbgl
In the docker image if you need to rebuil the c archive files, you can use the mbgl/c/install.sh
bash script
to rebuild them.
cd cmd/snap
go build