A React date and time picker written in ES6 with elegance and performance in mind.
Install using npm:
npm install --save @quipugmbh/react-datetimecombo
import DateTimeCombo from '@quipugmbh/react-datetimecombo'
import '@quipugmbh/react-datetimecombo/react-datetimecombo.css'
render: function() {
return <DateTimeCombo
// Important: Set either value or defaultValue!
//connect state value to use datetimecombo picker as a controlled component
//or: use default value to use datetimecombo picker as an uncontrolled component
// any format supported by moment.js (for example: "hh:mm a" for a 12 hour clock)
dateTimeFormat="DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm"
// hide the datepicker after a day is selected
placeholder="Select a date..."
// the picker calls this function for every year, month and day that are currently
// displayed, passing a moment object and a granularity string
isValidDate={ (date, granularity) =>
&& date.isAfter(moment("1995-12-25"))
// callback on every date change
onChange={date =>
alert('Day changed to ' + date.format())
// prevent callback when changing months or years
fireCallbackOnYearChange = false
fireCallbackOnMonthChange = false
// disable weekends (Saturday and Sunday)
disabledDaysOfWeek = {[5,6]}
// disable specific dates
disabledDates = {[ "2015-12-10, 2018-05-05"]}
// format in which disabled dates are specified
Please also import a copy of the CSS stylesheet in your application. Feel free to modify the styles according to your needs.
If you want to do developement:
- git clone https://github.com/gocedoko/react-datetimecombo
- cd react-datetimecombo
- npm install
- npm run dev