This is a clone of Netflix website built using React.JS as a Front-end. It's not a replica, and it doesn't have all the features of Netflix website. it's a similar version of Netflix with my own design touch, showing my abilities in React.JS to build something advanced like Netflix. It contains the home page, sign-in page, sign-up page, browse page, and movie player.
I have built this project using the following tools & techniques:
- 🔴React.JS
- 🔴React Router.
- 🔴React Forms.
- 🔴React Modal.
- 🔴React Icons.
- 🔵useState.
- 🔵useEffect.
- 🔵JSX.
- 🔵Axios.
- 🔵Webpack.
- 🟡CSS Modules.
- 🟡Media Queries.
- 🟡VSCode.
- 🟡StyleLint.
- 🟣Github Actions.
- 🟢Username :
- 🟢Password : password@123
- 🟢Customer profile password : 1234
- 🟢Manager profile password : 5678
Contributors are welcome to submit pull requests for bug fixes, new features, or improvements. Guidelines for contributing and a code of conduct will be provided to ensure a collaborative and inclusive development process.