A sketch of an automated deployment system, based on catching webhooks from the Docker Hub build service.
- Workflow based on continuous deployment. When a build succeeds, deploy as soon as possible.
- Zero-downtime deploys. Only one instance of a container should be offline at a time.
- Don't leave different versions of the same app running for any longer than necessary.
- Avoid polling against the docker repository frequently.
- Avoid fleet's race conditions by using docker directly. (Interoperate with fleet, but don't depend on it.)
- Don't try to solve the local development workflow yet.
- Written in Go
- Running on each machine in the cluster
- Using go-dockerclient to communicate with Docker
- Getting webhooks from the Docker Hub build service
- Tracking of the most-recent version of each repo+tag in etcd.
- Only allow one restart at a time via a lock in etcd.
I'm thinking of the app as a sequence of channels.
The external triggers are:
Build callback webhook: Send forcePull=repository[].repo_name to update channel.
Docker events watcher: On docker "untag" event, send forcePull=nil to update channel.
etcd watcher: When another instance of deployer writes to list of images maintained in etcd, send forcePull=nil to the update channel.
Hourly timer: Send forcePull=nil to image list channel.
- Issue list-images. For a given repo+tag, compare result with etcd:
- etcd has lower CreatedAt: update etcd
- etcd hash higher CreatedAt or repo=forcePull: send to image-pull channel
- Issue list-containers:
- for each Image =~ /^[0-9a-f]{12,}$/
- Send Names[0] to Restart channel
- Given a repo and tag, issue docker pull. On success, send forcePull=nil to update channel.
- Acquire etcd restart lock
- Issue docker restart for a given container
- Wait for state to remain "Up" and TCP connection to succeed to container's port, if listed.
- Drop lock