This repository contains code for our NeurIPS 2023 paper From Pixels to UI Actions: Learning to Follow Instructions via Graphical User Interfaces.
You can clone the repository using git clone
We recommend using conda
or venv
to manage dependencies for this project,
such as by following these commands:
conda create -n pix2act python=3.10
conda activate pixact
We recommend using Python 3.10 or later.
First, install the platform-specific version of JAX based on instructions here.
You can then install the dependencies listed in
. First,
to the directory of this repository, then run:
pip install -e ."[dev]"
Inference and evaluation for MiniWob also requires miniwob-plusplus
(version 0.1), which is not covered by
. We used a version of this library with local modifications for compatibility with Python 3. You can reproduce this setup using the following commands within a directory where you want to download this repository:
git clone
cd miniwob-plusplus
git checkout bf8acbaa3c29b9553fef3cf107e9f236ef475f05
python3 -m pip install 2to3
2to3 python/miniwob -w
The code also uses protobuffers for storing MiniWob episodes (tasks/miniwob/episode.proto
) and for communication
with a model server at inference time (server/model_server.proto
). The server/model_server.proto
file defines a grpc service. Both protobuffers require code generation to generate Python modules corresponding to the .proto
pip install grpcio-tools
python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I . --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. pix2act/server/model_server.proto
python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I . --python_out=. pix2act/tasks/miniwob/episode.proto
Inference and evaluation also requires installing ChromeDriver. You can find
your current version of Chrome by running google-chrome --version
, and then download the corresponding
ChromeDriver. The chromedriver
binary should be moved to /usr/bin
or its location explicitly added your PATH
NOTE: Differences in rendering (e.g. due to Chrome version or font configurations) between training and testing environments can have a significant effect on the performance.
We used Chrome version 110.0.05481.77 for our experiments. See Figure 5 in the appendix of the paper for an example rendering from the environment used to tune the released checkpoints.
variable contains the install location for Pix2Struct
which we will use to specify --gin_search_paths
. If installed via pip
, you can obtain its
value as:
PIX2STRUCT_INSTALL=$(pip show pix2struct | grep "Location" | cut -d ' ' -f 2)/pix2struct
Since the model checkpoints are hosted on Google Cloud, you might need to authenticate before using this code.
gcloud auth application-default login
Here are finetuned model checkpoints for MiniWoB and WebShop:
Task | GCS Path |
MiniWoB | gs://pix2act-data/miniwob_mcts/checkpoint_332000 |
WebShop | gs://pix2act-data/webshop_bc/checkpoint_303600 |
You can start a model server for generating predictions for MiniWob via the following command:
python -m pix2act.server.model_server_main \
--alsologtostderr \
--gin.TASK_FEATURE_LENGTHS="{'inputs': 512, 'targets': 16}" \
--gin.BATCH_SIZE=1 \
--num_decodes=8 \
points to a Pix2Struct model checkpoint, such as those
provided above. This will start a server that can be reached at
. We will assume that the environment variable SERVER
to this address in the following documentation.
For WebShop, you can use the same command but with --gin.TASK_FEATURE_LENGTHS="{'inputs': 4096, 'targets': 128}"
and --num_decodes=10
The model server also supports inference on TPUs. There are various ways of running the model server on TPUs. One option is to follow the instructions here:
You can test the model server using server/
by running:
python -m pix2act.server.simple_client \
--alsologtostderr \
--screenshot="${SCREENSHOT}" \
is a filepath to a png file that is provided to the model as input.
To run inference or evaluations more efficiently, it is recommended to start
multiple model servers and use client-side load balancing to balance requests
to this pool of model servers from multiple jobs running inference or evaluation
in parallel. Load balancing can be added to client_utils.get_stub
based on
your configuration by following the instructions here:
This is particularly useful for running evaluations on all MiniWob tasks in parallel or for generating episodes for training in parallel using Monte-Carlo Tree Search.
First, start a local server to serve the MiniWob HTML files:
python3 -m http.server 8000 --directory ${MINIWOB_PATH}/html
points to a local directory containing the miniwob-plusplus
repository (see instructions above). We will assume that the variable MINIWOB_URL
points to this server, e.g. localhost:8000/html/miniwob
, in the following documentation.
You can then run inference for a given MiniWob seed and task using the following script:
python -m pix2act.tasks.miniwob.analysis.run_episode \
--alsologtostderr \
--output=${OUTPUT} \
--subdomain=${TASK} \
--seed=${SEED} \
--server=${SERVER} \
Where TASK
is a miniwob task (e.g. enter-date
is a random seed for
initializing the task environment (e.g. 1
), and OUTPUT
is a path to write
an HTML file for viewing the episode.
Similarly, we can run an evaluation for a given MiniWob task, computing the success rate and mean reward, by running:
python -m pix2act.tasks.miniwob.eval.run_eval \
--alsologtostderr \
--output_dir=${OUTPUT_DIR} \
--subdomain=${TASK} \
--server=${SERVER} \
--miniwob_url=${MINIWOB_URL} \
should be a directory for writing a json file with the
various statistics as well as HTML files for visualizing individual episodes,
assuming --output_html
is true.
The run_eval
script can be run in parallel for each MiniWob task (see the
scaling note above), with every task writing to the same OUTPUT_DIR
. Then,
you can run:
python -m pix2act.tasks.miniwob.eval.aggregate_metrics \
--alsologtostderr \
To aggregate and print statistics for all tasks.
First, you must start a WebShop server. For instructions to start the server,
please see the official WebShop repository.
We will assume that WEBSHOP_SERVER
points to the address of this server, e.g.
. Make sure you're able to access this via your browser before you proceed.
You can run evaluations on WebShop with the following command:
python -m pix2act.tasks.webshop.run_eval -- \
--alsologtostderr \
--webshop_url=${WEBSHOP_SERVER} \
--output_dir=${OUTPUT_DIR} \
specifies a location
for writing a json file with statistics and HTML files for visualizing
individual episodes.
Training data for models is formatted as TensorFlow examples, following the
same format as Pix2Struct. These files contain a image
field specifying the
bytes of the input image, and a parse
field specifying the desired text
First, ensure a WebShop server is running (see instructions above).
You should set WEBSHOP_DATA_DIR
to an appropriate directory for storing
the generated data files. The command below assumes that local copy of the WebShop repository is stored at WEBSHOP_REPO
python -m pix2act.tasks.webshop.write_tf_examples \
--alsologtostderr \
--demo_file=${WEBSHOP_REPO}/baseline_models/data/il_trajs_finalized_images.jsonl \
--human_goals_file=${WEBSHOP_REPO}/baseline_models/data/human_goals.json \
--webshop_url=${WEBSHOP_SERVER} \
We can generate episodes for training MiniWob models by running Monte-Carlo
Tree Search. First, you will need ensure both a MiniWob model server is running
for the policy, as well as a second model server for the value function
approximator, which we refer to as the critic. This can use the same command
as above for the policy. A checkpoint for the critic used in our experiments
is available at gs://pix2act-data/miniwob_critic/checkpoint_306000
. We
will assume that SERVER_CRITIC
refers to the location of this model server.
For clarity, we will assume that the policy model server is specified here
Below is an example command to run MCTS:
python -m -- \
--alsologtostderr \
--output_dir=${OUTPUT_DIR} \
--server_critic=${SERVER_CRITIC} \
--server_policy=${SERVER_POLICY} \
--miniwob_url=${MINIWOB_URL} \
--task=${TASK} \
--max_episodes=10 \
Where TASK
is a miniwob task (e.g. enter-date
). This script will write episodes as Episode
protobuffers in the MCTS_DIR
. See the note on scaling
above to run MCTS for efficiently. Multiple instances can write episodes
to the same MCTS_DIR
in parallel. The script tasks/miniwob/search/
can aggregate and write statistics over the Episode
protobuffers written by
these scripts. The script tasks/miniwob/analysis/
can be
used to visualize the generated episodes.
Given Episode
protobuffers, we can convert these to TensorFlow examples
for model training:
python -m pix2act.tasks.miniwob.write_policy_tf_examples \
--alsologtostderr \
--input="${MCTS_DIR}/*.recordio" \
We can also generate training examples for training a new value function approximator:
python -m \
--alsologtostderr \
--input="${MCTS_DIR}/*.recordio" \
Note that these two scripts use Beam so can process large datasets in parallel.
The script miniwob/
can be useful for combining training
data from multiple sources.
The main experiments are implemented as a light wrapper around the T5X library. For brevity, we illustrate an example workflow of finetuning the pretrained base Pix2Struct. To run training on TPUs, please see to the T5X documentation.
Tasks for training WebShop and MiniWob models are specified in
This file uses environment variables to specify data locations. The commands below
will then export the environment variables specifying these paths. Alternatively, locations
for training data can be defined directly by editing
. Follow the
instructions above for populating data at these paths.
python -m t5x.train \
--gin_search_paths="pix2act/configs,$PIX2STRUCT_INSTALL" \
--gin_file="configs/models/pix2struct.gin" \
--gin_file="runs/train.gin" \
--gin_file="configs/sizes/base.gin" \
--gin_file="configs/optimizers/adafactor.gin" \
--gin_file="schedules/webshop.gin" \
--gin_file="init/miniwob_100_buckets_base_init.gin" \
--gin.MIXTURE_OR_TASK_NAME="'webshop'" \
--gin.MODEL_DIR="'${MODEL_DIR}'" \
--gin.TASK_FEATURE_LENGTHS="{'inputs': 4096, 'targets': 128}" \
points to a directory to write model checkpoints and other
files generated by model training. Note that the above command initializes the
model parameters from a MiniWoB checkpoint as described in Section 5.1 of our
paper. Alternatively, you can train a model from a Pix2Struct checkpoint without
any intermediate finetuning on MiniWob by setting --gin_file="init/pix2struct_base_init.gin"
Similarly, we can train a MiniWob policy model:
python -m t5x.train \
--gin_search_paths="pix2act/configs,$PIX2STRUCT_INSTALL" \
--gin_file="configs/models/pix2struct.gin" \
--gin_file="runs/train.gin" \
--gin_file="configs/sizes/base.gin" \
--gin_file="configs/optimizers/adafactor.gin" \
--gin_file="schedules/miniwob.gin" \
--gin_file="configs/init/pix2struct_base_init.gin" \
--gin.MIXTURE_OR_TASK_NAME="'miniwob'" \
--gin.MODEL_DIR="'${MODEL_DIR}'" \
--gin.TASK_FEATURE_LENGTHS="{'inputs': 512, 'targets': 16}" \
Or a MiniWob critic model:
python -m t5x.train \
--gin_search_paths="pix2act/configs,$PIX2STRUCT_INSTALL" \
--gin_file="configs/models/pix2struct.gin" \
--gin_file="runs/train.gin" \
--gin_file="configs/sizes/base.gin" \
--gin_file="configs/optimizers/adafactor.gin" \
--gin_file="schedules/miniwob.gin" \
--gin_file="configs/init/pix2struct_base_init.gin" \
--gin.MIXTURE_OR_TASK_NAME="'miniwob_critic'" \
--gin.MODEL_DIR="'${MODEL_DIR}'" \
--gin.TASK_FEATURE_LENGTHS="{'inputs': 512, 'targets': 16}" \
The default argument for --cursor_dir
for several of the scripts above is gs://pix2act-data/cursors/
, which includes the cursor graphics used to
train our models. The cursor graphics are from
yaru. Please see the corresponding README and LICENSE. These are used to render cursors on top of the screenshots
generated via Selenium.
If you are using this library, please cite:
title={From Pixels to UI Actions: Learning to Follow Instructions via Graphical User Interfaces},
author={Shaw, Peter and Joshi, Mandar and Cohan, James and Berant, Jonathan and Pasupat, Panupong and Hu, Hexiang and Khandelwal, Urvashi and Lee, Kenton and Toutanova, Kristina},
booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
This is not an officially supported Google product.