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Guice 3.0 Release

Guice 3.0

Released March 24, 2011



New Features

  • JSR 330 support

  • New Persist extension

  • ToConstructor Bindings

  • Better OSGi support (and generally improved support for multiple classloaders)

  • New methods in Binder: requireExplicitBindings & disableCircularProxies

  • Much simpler stack traces when AOP is involved

  • Exact duplicate bindings are ignored (instead of an exception being thrown)

  • Repackaged cglib, asm & guava classes are now hidden from IDE auto-imports

  • Source can be built with Maven

  • General extension & SPI improvements:

  • Scope improvements:

    • Scopes.isSingleton
    • toInstance bindings are considered eager singletons in the Scope SPI
    • Singleton providers that return null are now scoped properly.
    • Fail when circularly dependent singletons cannot be proxied (previously two instances may have been created)
  • Provider Method (@Provides) improvements:

    • Logger dependencies now use named instead of anonymous loggers
    • Exceptions produce a simpler stack
  • Private Modules improvements:

    • If a single PrivateModule is passed to Modules.override, private elements can be overridden.
    • If many modules are passed to Modules.override, exposed keys can be overridden.
  • Multibinder & MapBinder extension improvements:

    • permitDuplicates -- allows MapBinder to inject a Map<K, Set<V>> and a Map<K, Set<Provider<V>> and Multibinder to silently ignore duplicate entries
    • Expose dependencies in Stage.TOOL, and return a dependency on Injector (instead of null) when working with Elements.
    • Co-exist nicely with Modules.override
    • Work properly with marker (parameterless) annotations
    • Expose details through the new extensions SPI
  • Servlet extension improvements:

    • Added with(instance) for servlet bindings.
    • Support multiple injectors using ServletModule in the same JVM.
    • Support thread-continuations (allow background threads to process an HttpRequest)
    • Support manually seeding a @RequestScope
    • Expose details through new extensions SPI
    • Fix request forwarding
    • Performance improvements for the filter & servlet pipelines
    • Expose the servlet context (ServletModule.getServletContext)
    • Fixed so a single ServletModule instance can be used twice (in, say Element.getElements & creating an Injector)
    • Fix to work with context paths
  • AssistedInject extension improvements

    • New FactoryModuleBuilder for building assisted factories
    • Injection is done through child injectors and can participate in AOP
    • Performance improvements
    • Multiple different implementations can be created from a single factory
    • Incorrect implementations or factories are detected in Stage.TOOL, and more error-checking with better error messages
    • Work better with parameterized types
    • Expose details through new extensions SPI
  • ThrowingProviders extension improvements

    • Added a new CheckedProviders interface that allows more than one exception to be thrown.
    • Added @CheckedProvides allowing @Provides-like syntax for CheckedProviders.
    • Dependencies are checked at Injector-creation time and during Stage.TOOL, so they can fail early
    • Bindings created by ThrowingProviderBinder now return proper dependencies instead of Injector.
  • Struts2

    • The Struts2 extension now works again! (It worked in Guice 1.0 and was somewhat broken in Guice 2.0)
  • Added to Injector: getAllBindings, getExistingBinding, getScopeBindings, getTypeConverterBindings.

  • Added to Key: hasAttributes, ofType, withoutAttributes

  • Various bug fixes / improvements:

    • Prevent child injectors from rebinding a parent just-in-time binding.
    • Non-intercepted methods in a class with other intercepted methods no longer go through cglib (reducing total stack frames).
    • Allow Guice to work on generated classes.
    • Fix calling Provider.get() of an unrelated Provider in a scoping method.
    • MoreTypes.getRawTypes returns the proper types for arrays (instead of Object[].class)
    • JIT bindings left in a parent injector when child injectors fail creating a JIT binding are now removed
    • Overriding an @Inject method (if the subclass also annotates the method with @Inject) no longer injects the method twice
    • You can now bind byte constants (using
    • Better exceptions when trying to intercept final classes, using keys already bound in child or private module, and many other cases.
    • ConvertedConstantBinding now exposes the TypeConverterBinding used to convert the constant.

Migrating from Guice 2.0

See the JDiff change report for complete details.

JSR 330

Guice 3.0 now requires JSR 330 on your classpath. This is the javax.inject.jar included in the guice download.

Many things inside changed and/or moved. This is especially true for repackaged Guava (formerly Google Collections), cglib, and asm classes. All these classes are now hidden from IDE auto-import suggestions and are in new locations. You will have to update your code if you relied on any of these classes.

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