Source code for our AAAI 2022 paper, "Search Strategies for Topological Network Optimization."
$ git clone --recursive && \
cd network-opt && cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release && make
time ./network_opt OPT 1 4 8 E12 SQRT
Command: ./network_opt OPT 1 4 8 E12 SQRT
Solution: (1|2.2)+((1.2+(1.5+1.8+(2.7|3.9)))|3.3)
Network: N()[N({0,4})][N(6)[N()[N(1)][N()[N()[N(2)][N(3)][N({5,7})]]]]]
Target: 2.82842712474619
Total: 2.828428882438316 (155903/55120)
Cost: 1.758e-06
real 0m1.727s
user 0m1.719s
sys 0m0.018s
title = {Search Strategies for Topological Network Optimization},
volume = {36},
url = {},
DOI = {10.1609/aaai.v36i9.21271},
number = {9},
journal = {Proceedings of the 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
author = {Moffitt, Michael D.},
year = {2022},
month = {Jun.},
pages = {10299-10308}
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