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Fragments create new instances of Observers after onActivityCreated #47

nexuscomputing opened this issue Jun 4, 2017 · 61 comments


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nexuscomputing commented Jun 4, 2017

First of all I want to say thanks for the three samples which enlighten working with these new components significantly, looking at the code there is a lot to learn.

After trying to create a project, making use of the new arch components, I noticed that one of my Fragments received more and more events from LiveData within the Observer code after navigating back and forth in the UI.

This happens due to the Fragment instance being retained and popped back from the stack after "back" navigation.

In these examples typically in onActivityCreated LiveData is observed and a new Observer is created. In order to solve recreating new Observers, checking if onActivityCreated has been called on the instance of Fragment before seems to be the goto solution for the moment.

@yigit how would you go about this? check if savedInstanceState is null and then create Observers? I also noticed that declaring the Observers as final fields seems to solve the issue as well, meaning that registering the same Observer instance several times seems to be fine, is this something you would recommend?

Thanks a lot and keep up the good work!

UPDATE 12 Oct 2019

using viewLifecycleOwner as LifecycleOwner as proposed seems to solve my issue. Typically what I do now is the following:

class MainFragment : Fragment() {
// ... declare viewmodel lazy
    override fun onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        viewModel.liveData.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer { item ->
           // ... code that deals with item / state goes here
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Yup, same happened to me, the two best solutions came across were:

1 - Register your observers in onCreate instead of onActivityCreated. Though I imagine this may create some errors if events are received before the views are created.

2 - Create a helper method - or if you are in Kotlin land, an extension function :) - that removes any observers previously registered to your lifecycle before observing a LiveData again. And then using it instead of LiveData.observe(). My example:

inline fun <T> LiveData<T>.reobserve(owner: LifecycleOwner, crossinline func: (T?) -> (Unit)) { removeObservers(owner) observe(owner, Observer<T> { t -> func(t) }) }

I don't know if this is the best solution either.

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yigit commented Jun 8, 2017

This is an oversight on my end, sorry about it. As @brenoptsouza mentioned, there does not seem to be an obvious solution to this. We'll fix this, thanks.

@yigit yigit self-assigned this Jun 8, 2017
@yigit yigit added the bug label Jun 8, 2017
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yigit commented Jun 8, 2017

btw, @@brenoptsouza about 1, great news is that it won't be a problem because LiveData callbacks are not called outside onStart-onStop so view will be ready for sure.

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The problem arises because the sample code has the fragments injected after Fragment::onCreate is called. So the viewModels can only be fetched after that in Fragment::onActivityCreated. Which causes the problem with observing live data multiple times.

My solution is to do fragment injection on the fragment pre-attached life cycle callback. As this is called multiple times by the framework, I set a flag on the Injectable interface to ensure the injection is only done once.

interface Injectable {
    var injected: Boolean

and the injection

fun OpticsPlannerApplication.initDagger() {
    registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks {
        onActivityCreated { activity, _ -> activity.inject() }

private fun Activity.inject() {
    if (this is HasSupportFragmentInjector) AndroidInjection.inject(this)
    if (this is FragmentActivity) registerFragmentLifeCycleCallbacks(recursive = true) {
        onFragmentPreAttached { _, fragment, _ ->

private fun Fragment.inject() {
    if (this is Injectable && !injected) {
        injected = true

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cbeyls commented Jun 25, 2017

Newest version of the support library (26.0.0-beta2) has FragmentLifecycleCallbacks.onFragmentPreCreated().
Once stable and released this will be the best place to inject the fragments.

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yigit commented Jun 25, 2017

We can move the injection to onFragmentPreAttached so we don't need beta2.
On the other hand, a part of the problem is the conflict w/ data-binding.
When initialized w/ a retained view, data binding has no way of recovering its values. This is not even feasible since every variable needs to be Parcelable for that to work. So data binding just goes and sets whatever values it has. (it could avoid setting but that would break callbacks which may require actual values)

When data binding starts supporting LiveData as input, we can start passing the ViewModel to avoid these issues.

Until then, if we start observing in onCreate, when fragment's view is recreated (when it goes into backstack and comes back), we have to update the binding from the ViewModel manually. This is necessary because LiveData will not call the observers in this case because it already delivered the last result to that observer. We may also have a mod that will always call the LiveData callback on onStart even if it has the latest value. That is actually the fundamental problem here. Lifecycles does not have a way to know the views accessed by the callback is recreated.

This is annoying yet there is no easy solution for that until data binding supports LiveData.

Btw, this is still a tricky case to handle even w/o data binding, to be able to handle callbacks that requires non-parcelable instances. (e.g. clicking on an Entity to save it, you need the Entity).

Of course, another solution is to keep the views around when onDestroyView is called but that will increase the memory consumption so not desired.

Btw, on a side note, current state does not have any efficiency problems since data binding lazily updates UI. (in some callbacks, we force it because Espresso cannot track the path data binding is using to delay view setting but that is a bug in espresso, not data binding).

tl;dr; The whole purpose of Architecture Components is to reduce the number of edge cases like these so we'll eventually solve them.

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Since you mentioned there is no easy solution, here is my solution (using Kotlin coroutines). I push values coming from LiveData into a ConflatedChannel, which only keeps the latest value. Then when the data binding has been created, I also create a consumer of the ConflatedChannel to bind the values from it. To prevent leaking on the consumer coroutine, you need to use a LifecycleObserver or one of the older life cycle callbacks.

With some extensions, this looks someting like the following.

val incomingData = ConflatedChannel<Data>()

fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    // snip
    observeNotNull(viewModel.loadData(query)) {, it)

fun onViewCreated(view: View?, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    // snip
    launch(UI) {
        incomingData.consumeEach {
   = it
    }.cancelOn(this, FragmentEvent.VIEW_DESTROYED)

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cbeyls commented Sep 8, 2017

After some thinking I realized fragments actually provide 2 distinct lifecycles:

  • The lifecycle of the fragment itself
  • The lifecycle of each view hierarchy.

My proposed solution is to create a fragment which allows accessing the lifecycle of the current view hierarchy in addition to its own.

 * Fragment providing separate lifecycle owners for each created view hierarchy.
 * <p>
 * This is one possible way to solve issue
 * @author Christophe Beyls
public class ViewLifecycleFragment extends Fragment {

	static class ViewLifecycleOwner implements LifecycleOwner {
		private final LifecycleRegistry lifecycleRegistry = new LifecycleRegistry(this);

		public LifecycleRegistry getLifecycle() {
			return lifecycleRegistry;

	private ViewLifecycleOwner viewLifecycleOwner;

	 * @return the Lifecycle owner of the current view hierarchy,
	 * or null if there is no current view hierarchy.
	public LifecycleOwner getViewLifeCycleOwner() {
		return viewLifecycleOwner;

	public void onViewCreated(View view, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
		super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState);
		viewLifecycleOwner = new ViewLifecycleOwner();

	public void onStart() {
		if (viewLifecycleOwner != null) {

	public void onResume() {
		if (viewLifecycleOwner != null) {

	public void onPause() {
		if (viewLifecycleOwner != null) {

	public void onStop() {
		if (viewLifecycleOwner != null) {

	public void onDestroyView() {
		if (viewLifecycleOwner != null) {
			viewLifecycleOwner = null;

It can be used to register an observer in onActivityCreated() that will be properly unregistered in onDestroyView() automatically:

public void onActivityCreated(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {

	viewModel.getSampleData().observe(getViewLifeCycleOwner(), new Observer<String>() {
		public void onChanged(@Nullable String result) {
			// Update views

When the fragment is detached and re-attached, the last result will be pushed to the new view hierarchy automatically as expected.

@yigit Do you think this is the right approach to solve the problem in the official library?

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@yigit is there any progress to fix this issue?

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Is this really even a bug? The lifecycle aware observers are registered until the component is destroyed. The fragment is not destroyed, only its view hierarchy is.

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cbeyls commented Oct 30, 2017

It's not a bug in itself, but the official samples show an incorrect use of LiveData in fragments and the documentation should inform about this confusion between Fragment lifecycle and View lifecycle. I wrote a full article about this last week.

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@cbeyls oh yeah you're right! In the BasicSample - and I messed this up in my own sample too, registering in onViewCreated (with an anonymous observer) but not unregistering in onDestroyView!

Whoops >. <

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cbeyls commented Nov 21, 2017

The video only shows a simple example involving an Activity. Things are more complex with fragment views for all the reasons mentioned above.

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Was there ever a conclusion to this issue? just ran into this problem using fragments. What's the preferred way to move forward?

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insidewhy commented Feb 4, 2018

@dustedrob rob the article at lists a few possible solutions. I use the superclass + customised lifecycle one.

Hopefully one will be integrated, it's kinda funny how Google's own samples contain these errors ;)

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@cbeyls @yigit I have an strange behaviour on mi ViewModel Observable, I don't know why it's called more than once if I setup observers onActivityCreated Fragment event. It's called more than one between fragment transitions. Example, I have 1 Activity 3 fragments, If I move from first to third observable on first screen is called more than once. Code Example Below:

override fun onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
volumenViewModel.misRuedasRemuneracion.reObserve(this, observerRuedasRemu)
volumenViewModel.misSubordinados.reObserve(this, observerMisSubordinados)
volumenViewModel.remuneracionMensualActualizada.reObserve(this, observerRemuneracionMensualActualizada)

Base Fragment implementation:
fun LiveData.reObserve(owner: LifecycleOwner, observer: Observer) {
observe(owner, observer)

If I move these to onCreate event they are calling just once.... So why is this behaviour strange? is there any reason for that? are coming some changes on Architecture component to solve this or just it's not possible using Fragment? what happen If I just have 1 activity and some fragments and share viewmodel with multiples LiveData and need observe same live data on multiples fragments?
My question, Is because I need put observables just once on onActivityCreated or onCreateView is the same, but need call on that because a reuse of sections on fragment not onCreate.
Note: My architecture is Service from backend - Repository - Room Database with livedata - Viewmodel - Activity / Fragment with databinding.
Thanks in advance.

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@Martindgadr I saw similar strange behaviour when using the reobserve strategy, that's why I went for a solution involving a superclass and customised lifecycle instead, see the links pasted above.

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Zhuinden commented Feb 15, 2018

I don't think I've ever used onActivityCreated() for anything in a Fragment.

What's it for? I'd assume onAttach(Context context) can get the activity reference already?

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I am having the same problem with Activities, when user press back button and return, onCreate() is called (and since I'm observing on it..)... Is this normal?

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@bernaferrari it's normal after process death.

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bernaferrari commented Feb 20, 2018

So, is there already a right way to fix? I hate duplicated/triplicated/... log messages.
BTW, wow, the hero from /androiddev here.. 😂

Edit: Forget everything I said. I was having a very dumb problem, where I was initialising Logger in onCreate, so it was initialised +1 time every time I would press back and open it..

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cuichanghao commented Mar 9, 2018

because recently support Fragment implementation LifecycleOwner so just need below code for remove observe.

open class ViewLifecycleFragment : Fragment() {
    override fun onDestroyView() {
        (lifecycle as? LifecycleRegistry)?.handleLifecycleEvent(Lifecycle.Event.ON_DESTROY)

@Kernald you're right.

open class ViewLifecycleFragment : Fragment() {

    override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View? {
        (lifecycle as? LifecycleRegistry)?.handleLifecycleEvent(Lifecycle.Event.ON_CREATE)
        return super.onCreateView(inflater, container, savedInstanceState)

    override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        (lifecycle as? LifecycleRegistry)?.handleLifecycleEvent(Lifecycle.Event.ON_CREATE)
        super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
    override fun onDestroyView() {
        (lifecycle as? LifecycleRegistry)?.handleLifecycleEvent(Lifecycle.Event.ON_DESTROY)

don't forgot call super.onViewcreate or super.onCreateView

override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
        model.searchArticle.observe(this, Observer { articleData ->

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Kernald commented Mar 9, 2018

@cuichanghao with the solution you propose, your lifecycle doesn't really matches the fragment's one. And the creation side of your lifecycle doesn't match the destruction side anymore either (if you emit the destroy event in onDestroyView, you should emit the create event in onViewCreated).

While your solution probably works for this specific case, the idea of exposing a fragment lifecycle and a view lifecycle makes much more sense, and is probably less error prone.

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yperess commented Jun 7, 2018

Hey guys, chiming in on this "old" bug. The correct solution (which I have working in 2 production apps) is:

  1. Either extend DaggerFragment or add AndroidSupportInjection.inject(this) to onAttach as well as implement HasSupportFragmentInjector for your fragment. Note the lifecycle on:
  2. Register all of your observers in onCreate

The key here is that onAttach and onCreate are the only methods that are guaranteed to run once per fragment instance.

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Zhuinden commented Jun 7, 2018

onCreate isn't good because if the fragment is detached and reattached (think fragment state pager) then you won't be able to update the re-created view with the latest data in ViewModel.

One day they'll release Fragments with the viewLifecycle and that'll solve issues.

For now, I think the solution is to subscribe in onViewCreated, and remove observers in onDestroyView.

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cbeyls commented Jun 7, 2018

The proper fix is to use Fragment.getViewLifecycleOwner() which is already part of AndroidX.

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yperess commented Jun 12, 2018

Thanks @cbeyls, any idea when androix will make its way into Dagger2's DaggerFragment and DaggerAppCompatActivity?

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cbeyls commented Aug 17, 2018

You can do what @TonicArtos suggests but don't forget that if you do that, you'll have to update the views manually by fetching the latest result from the LiveData in onActivityCreated() when the fragment is re-attached. That's because the observer doesn't change so the latest result won't be pushed automatically to the new view hierarchy, until a new result arrives.

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adam-hurwitz commented Aug 17, 2018

Thanks for the feedback @TonicArtos and @cbeyls!

@TonicArtos - I've created all Observers in onCreate() method and am still seeing the Observers called 2 additional times. In my log below this is represented by the observeGraphData() statement I'm printing out when the Observer is fired.

screen shot 2018-08-17 at 10 50 47 am

@cbeyls - Thank you for the heads up. As I'm still seeing multiple Observers with @TonicArtos's strategy I haven't gotten to this stage of implementation.

Perhaps the issue is related to creating the nested ChildFragment (PriceGraphFragment) in the ParentFragment's (HomeFragment) onViewCreated()?


override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
        user = viewModel.getCurrentUser()
        if (savedInstanceState == null) {
                    ?.add(, PriceGraphFragment.newInstance())

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TonicArtos commented Aug 19, 2018 via email

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adam-hurwitz commented Aug 21, 2018

@TonicArtos, great idea.

I'm logging the hashcode of the HashMap being emitted by the Observer and it is showing 2 unique hashcodes when I go to the child Fragment, pop the child Fragment, and return to the original Fragment.

This is opposed to the one hashcode seen from the HashMap when I rotate the screen without launching the child Fragment.

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TonicArtos commented Aug 22, 2018 via email

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First off, thank you to everyone who posted here. It was a combination of your advice and pointers that helped me solve this bug over the past 5 days as there were multiple issues involved. I've posted the answer below in the corresponding Stackoverflow. Please provide feedback there if my solution provides value to you.

Issues Resolved

  1. Creating nested Fragments properly in parent Fragment (HomeFragment).


override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?,
                          savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View? {

        if (savedInstanceState == null) {
                ?.add(, PriceGraphFragment.newInstance())
                ?.add(, ContentFeedFragment.newInstance())


override fun onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

    if (savedInstanceState == null
            && childFragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(PRICEGRAPH_FRAGMENT_TAG) == null
            && childFragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(CONTENTFEED_FRAGMENT_TAG) == null) {
                .replace(, PriceGraphFragment.newInstance(),
                .replace(, ContentFeedFragment.newInstance(),
  1. Creating ViewModels in onCreate() as opposed to onCreateView() for both the parent and child Fragments.

  2. Initializing request for data (Firebase Firestore query) data of child Fragment (PriceFragment) in onCreate() rather than onViewCreated() but still doing so only when saveInstanceState is null.

Non Factors

A couple items were suggested but turned out to not have an impact in solving this bug.

  1. Creating Observers in onActivityCreated(). I'm keeping mine in onViewCreated() of the child Fragment (PriceFragment).

  2. Using viewLifecycleOwner in the Observer creation. I was using the child Fragment (PriceFragment)'s this before. Even though viewLifecycleOwner does not impact this bug it seems to be best practice overall so I'm keeping this new implementation.

gobetti pushed a commit to gobetti/CodeChallenge-Android that referenced this issue Sep 3, 2018
As pointed out in that blogpost, everything's fine if a fragment is
destroyed (after a rotation for example), however if it's
detached/attached then the observer isn't removed and a new one is
created every time - unless we use `viewLifecycleOwner` instead of
`this` as the observation's owner.
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btw, @@brenoptsouza about 1, great news is that it won't be a problem because LiveData callbacks are not called outside onStart-onStop so view will be ready for sure.

What if new data has been added have been fetch from the server, will the observer still be notified and sync?

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channae commented Feb 10, 2019

This seems really messed up. I tried removing the attached Observer of the LiveData during onCreateView of the fragment. I called remove method before start observing again.

Still I get duplicates. Seems like getUserList to get LiveData object for observer removal adds more data.

After doing this change my RecyclerView doubles up values in the first fragment load itself.

eg: userViewModel.getUserList().removeObserver(....)

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You're supposed to do liveData.observe(viewLifecycleOwner) { obj -> ... }

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KaranMavadhiya commented Feb 26, 2019

I am facing same issue in Fragment ...

I tried removing the attached Observer of the LiveData after getFragmentManager().popBackStack(); in Observer.

// Observer for ForgotPassword with Email API call forgotPasswordViewModel.getForgotPasswordLiveData().observe(this,this::handleForgotPasswordResponse);

`private void handleForgotPasswordResponse(ResponseModel responseModel) {
AlertDialogUtil.showAlertDialog(getContext(), getString(R.string.app_name), responseModel.getMessage(), getString(R.string.str_ok), false, (dialog, which) -> {

        assert getFragmentManager() != null;

        if (forgotPasswordViewModel != null && forgotPasswordViewModel.getForgotPasswordLiveData().hasObservers())


When i call Fragment again Observer will call without any event call

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Zhuinden commented Feb 26, 2019

You shouldn't need to manually remove observers like that.

So the fact that you're doing that probably means that your code logic contains some kind of error, and should be done differently.

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channae commented Mar 3, 2019

I managed to solve this by moving adapter and viewmodel related code to onCreate (within the fragment)

quoteViewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this, viewModelFactory).get(

        mAdapter = QuotesAdapter(context!!, quoteViewModel)

        quoteViewModel.quoteList.observe(this, Observer { quotes ->
            mAdapter.quoteList = quotes

Finally no more duplicates!!! But this is really fussy. Is this happening because LiveData are not aware of fragment lifecycle and keep ending up creating multiple observers on every onCreateView? Well, for anyone who tried this, removing observer did not work for me either. Just move logic to onCreate,

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cbeyls commented Mar 3, 2019

People should stop struggling with this, a solution has been released some time ago.

  • If your observer is tied to the view lifecycle (updating views for example), you should use Fragment.getViewLifecycleOwner(), which is available since support libraries 28 and AndroidX 1.0.
  • If your observer is tied to the fragment lifecycle (updating a component that is created in onCreate() or before and outlives the view hierarchies), you should use the fragment itself as LifecycleOwner.

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Zhuinden commented Mar 3, 2019

@channae they added getViewLifecycleOwner() so that you can create your bindings inside onViewCreated.

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dendrocyte commented Jul 31, 2019

I am create a customized view to detect the OnActivityResult() in fragment.

I implement these 2 lib:

implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.1.0-rc01'
implementation 'androidx.core:core-ktx:1.2.0-alpha02'

and I feed the viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycle in onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) method

override fun onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

but I still get my customized view's context is from activity.
I am sure I settle my customized view in fragment layout not in activity layout.

It doesn't make sense...

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After some thinking I realized fragments actually provide 2 distinct lifecycles:

* The lifecycle of the fragment itself

* The lifecycle of each view hierarchy.

My proposed solution is to create a fragment which allows accessing the lifecycle of the current view hierarchy in addition to its own.

 * Fragment providing separate lifecycle owners for each created view hierarchy.
 * <p>
 * This is one possible way to solve issue
 * @author Christophe Beyls
public class ViewLifecycleFragment extends Fragment {

	static class ViewLifecycleOwner implements LifecycleOwner {
		private final LifecycleRegistry lifecycleRegistry = new LifecycleRegistry(this);

		public LifecycleRegistry getLifecycle() {
			return lifecycleRegistry;

	private ViewLifecycleOwner viewLifecycleOwner;

	 * @return the Lifecycle owner of the current view hierarchy,
	 * or null if there is no current view hierarchy.
	public LifecycleOwner getViewLifeCycleOwner() {
		return viewLifecycleOwner;

	public void onViewCreated(View view, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
		super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState);
		viewLifecycleOwner = new ViewLifecycleOwner();

	public void onStart() {
		if (viewLifecycleOwner != null) {

	public void onResume() {
		if (viewLifecycleOwner != null) {

	public void onPause() {
		if (viewLifecycleOwner != null) {

	public void onStop() {
		if (viewLifecycleOwner != null) {

	public void onDestroyView() {
		if (viewLifecycleOwner != null) {
			viewLifecycleOwner = null;

It can be used to register an observer in onActivityCreated() that will be properly unregistered in onDestroyView() automatically:

public void onActivityCreated(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {

	viewModel.getSampleData().observe(getViewLifeCycleOwner(), new Observer<String>() {
		public void onChanged(@Nullable String result) {
			// Update views

When the fragment is detached and re-attached, the last result will be pushed to the new view hierarchy automatically as expected.

@yigit Do you think this is the right approach to solve the problem in the official library?

i am trying to use this solution but what happened when it return null should I pass getActivity() or what?

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Zhuinden commented Dec 30, 2019

Just use the one built-in in the latest Jetpack libs

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getViewLifecycleOwner() is the correct solution. There's a lint check in Fragment 1.2.0 that suggests the correct LifecycleOwner.

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I am having the same problem, it is 2023 now, but the use of getViewLifecycleOwner() doesn't work, android Studio keep recommending to change it to its property access syntax, in other words to viewLifecycleOwner, this is what I have been using, but still have the same problem.

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@mvillamizar74 whether it is property access or not has no difference in behavior. If you're registering your listeners in onStart instead of onViewCreated, then it will keep happening. It will also happen if you add new listeners inside an observe block for some reason as you shouldn't.

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@Zhuinden I registered my listener on onViewCreated, but still same behaviour.

I am using Navigation View, a Single Activity application with multiple fragments, each fragment has its viewmodel, but it is like the viewmodel wasn't destroyed when I navigate to a new fragment, then when I come back LiveData observer triggered again on fragment back navigation.

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@mvillamizar74 this is what happens when you use sticky event bus (or LiveData, considering the same way) to deliver events that you don't even want to be sticky...

Anyway I use this

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