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Releases: gooofy/aqb


28 Jan 08:14
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0.8.2 Pre-release


  • runtime: WAVE() function added
  • runtime: IFF8SVX LOAD WAVE, IFF8SVX READ WAVE commands added
  • runtime: BITMAP MASK statement added
  • runtime: CLEAR statement added
  • runtime: MID$, UCASE$, LCASE$, INSTR, LEFT$, RIGHT$ functions added
  • runtime: ABS function added
  • runtime: EOF() function added
  • runtime: CLS, LOCATE, SLEEP FOR, PRINT, PRINT#, INPUT, LINE INPUT moved from _aqb to _brt
  • runtime: INPUT#, LINE INPUT#, WRITE, WRITE# statements added
  • runtime: DATE$, POINT functions added
  • compiler: support pure interface modules that have no code

Bug Fixes:

  • ide: EZRequest on source write fails instead of a plain exit()
  • ide: ENDIF auto-indentation fixed
  • examples: tetris code cleanup, use custom fonts
  • compiler: fix float handling in DATA statements
  • compiler: fix coord/coord2 error handling
  • compiler: do not abort on type system inconsistencies (e.g. unresolved forwarded types)
  • compiler: check and resolve all forward ptrs
  • compiler: fix err msg position for constant declaration expression
  • compiler: fix string type coercion (fixes #17, thanks to Tom Wilson for reporting this one)
  • compiler: fix negative numeric literal handling in DATA statements
  • compiler: fix string handling in DATA statements (fixes #18, thanks to Tom Wilson for reporting this one)
  • compiler: fix ENDIF SLE stack underflow
  • runtime: fix INT() behavior (matches ACE now), add CLNG() to online help
  • runtime: fix LINE INPUT
  • use EXIT_FAILURE for fatal error conditions (fixes issue #13 by polluks)
  • add "$VER" version string


27 Dec 09:39
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0.8.1 Pre-release


  • runtime: SPRITE() function added
  • runtime: SPRITE SHOW command added
  • runtime: SPRITE MOVE command added
  • runtime: SPRITE FREE command added
  • runtime: ILBM LOAD SPRITE command added
  • runtime: POINTER SPRITE command added
  • runtime: POINTER CLEAR command added
  • runtime: FONT and FONT FREE commands added
  • runtime: FONT() function added
  • runtime: TEXTWIDTH() function added
  • runtime: FONSTYLE command added
  • runtime: FONSTYLE() function added
  • runtime: ON BREAK CALL command added
  • runtime: BOB() function x/y offset arguments added
  • ide: editor will use the system text font now
  • ide: editor horizontal scrolling implemented

Bug Fixes:

  • ide: editor RTG high/true color rendering fixed
  • ide: write INI file on deinit only (seems to help with AmigaOS 3.2 68000 stability)
  • ide: disable unavailable/unimplemented menu items
  • help: fix function node refs in amigaguide help


17 Dec 16:41
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0.8.0 Pre-release


  • Major new feature: source level debugging
  • ide: debug mode mode plus output added
  • ide: debug/console view added
  • ide: SMART_REFRESH window for faster+reliable refresh handling
  • ide: editor breakpoints (F9)
  • compiler: OPTION DEBUG statement added
  • compiler: TRACE statement added
  • compiler: BREAK statement added
  • compiler: generate debug info
  • debugger: exit or continue choice on traps, runtime errors and debug breaks
  • debugger: display stacktrace, source line and registers
  • runtime: CTRL-C will issue a DEBUG BREAK when debugger is active
  • runtime: BITMAP_t supports continous plane allocation suitable for BOB use now
  • runtime: BITMAP OUTPUT command added
  • runtime: VWAIT command added
  • runtime: LOCATE XY command added
  • runtime: CIRCLE command added
  • runtime: COLOR command: optional draw mode argument added
  • runtime: new AnimSupport module added
  • runtime: GELS INIT command added
  • runtime: GELS REPAINT command added
  • runtime: BOB() function added
  • runtime: BOB MOVE command added
  • runtime: BOB SHOW command added
  • runtime: BOB HIDE command added
  • runtime: ILBM LOAD BOB command added
  • MIT license applied consistently

Bug Fixes:

  • runtime: INPUT statement fixed
  • build system: makefile portability enhancements
  • build system: fix library link order (J. Becher)
  • compiler: fix BYREF recursive argument passing
  • compiler: fix BYREF argument assignment
  • compiler: fix IF/ELSE namespaces
  • compiler: fix BYTE/UBYTE/UINTEGER to SINGLE conversion
  • linker: handle duplicate symbols gracefully
  • ide: fix run state display


17 Oct 10:11
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0.7.3 Pre-release


* ide/runtime: handle and display program exit ERR code
* ide: keep ASL file requester path
* ide: fix multiview (help viewer) wb startup
* runtime: IFFSupport module added
* runtime: BLIT() function added
* runtime: BLIT FREE instruction added
* runtime: GET instruction added
* runtime: PUT instruction added
* runtime: PALETTE LOAD instruction added
* runtime: SCREEN/WINDOW: use original graphics/intuition flags
* runtime: INKEY$: no implicit sleep
* compiler: add generic #fno syntax

Bug Fixes:

* ide: fix cursor line in buf2line()
* compiler: fix subprogram call error handling
* compiler: fix record/class field memory offsets
* compiler: fix module type serialization
* compiler: detect multiple declarations of same constant identifier


24 Sep 15:33
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0.7.2 Pre-release


* documentation: full online documentation in amiga guide format
* ide: make editor auto-formatting much less aggressive (respect user's whitespace and case choices)
* runtime: ON MOUSE CALL instruction added
* runtime: MOUSE ON|OFF instruction added
* runtime: MOUSE() function added
* runtime: ON MOUSE MOTION CALL instruction added
* runtime: MOUSE MOTION ON|OFF instruction added

Bug Fixes::

* ide: fix changed marker position
* ide: keep DOS Output() when executing program from within IDE
* ide: fix line length check on cursor up/down
* ide: fix vertical scroll area
* ide: fix run memleak
* ide: fix UI slowdown bug (added proper Begin/EndRefresh calls)
* compiler: fix EOL token leak, REM comment processing


17 Sep 16:31
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0.7.1alpha1 Pre-release


* runtime/ide: detect and handle CTRL-C breaks
* ide: handle workbench startup + argument
* ide: create icons for source code files and binaries
* compiler/runtime: String concatenation implemented
* compiler: SLEEP FOR statement added
* runtime: workbench startup code added
* runtime: auto-open WINDOW 1 on first text output in debug/worbench startup mode

Bug Fixes::

* compiler: CLI return code fixed
* compiler: handle varPtr in BinOp expressions
* compiler: reset compiler options on each compiler run
* ide: do not crash if non-existing file is specified as cmd line argument
* ide: fix refresh while program is running
* runtime: fix _aqb shutdown crash
* runtime: fix INKEY buffer handling
* runtime: fix TIMER nullpointer access


04 Sep 14:01
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0.7.0alpha2 Pre-release


* "Run" menu added
* PATTERN RESTORE (ACE) statement added

Bug Fixes::

* compiler: for loop floating point step fixed
* compiler: SINGLE -> INTEGER const conversion fixed
* runtime: restore all non-scratch registers on premature program end (END / EXIT statements)
* ide: SELECT CASE autoformat fixed
* ide: Editor line join folding fixed
* ide: Preserve floating point literals when auto-formatting
* examples: 3dplot fixed

AQB early preview release 0.7.0alpha1

27 Aug 19:33
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This is a very early preview release of the AQB compiler and IDE.