A 2D Tron clone in Go. Allows up to 4 players at once.
go get github.com/gophergala2016/gophertron
A demo deployment is available at http://gophertron.gcommer.com/. Due to network constraints, a visible amount of lag is apparent, so the best way to use it would be to set up a local instance.
-http string
http service address (default "localhost:8080")
enables profiling with gom
- Controls: up, down, left, right (self explanatory)
- Recommended field dimensions: 100 x 100.
(The game isn't this abrupt and boring, and allows players from multiple machines to compete, this is just a demo)
- Some tiny gaps between walls and players on collision aren't filled well.
- No score-keeping.
- All players have the same color.
- Lack of code documentation, since there was a single developer who didn't care about documentation.
- Lack of tests