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Servidor is a light-weight no-database git http server following git smart HTTP protocol. You can do all kind of git remote operations like push, pull, fetch and clone. Host the server very easily and get started.

Features supported as of now

  • Git Remote Operations
    • Cloning of git repository.
    • Push operation.
    • Fetch operation.
    • Pull operation.
  • APIs
    • Create git repository - POST
    • List all repositories corresponding to a user. - GET
    • List a particular repository corresponding to a user. -GET
    • List all the branches in a repository. - GET
    • List a particular branch in a repository. - GET
  • Extra Features
    • Basic authentication as per flag
    • Allowing TLS connection as per flag.
    • Restricting push, pull operations as per flag.


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While setting up our project a few months back, we had to go through the trouble of setup and configuration needed in GitLab. To do away with all of that in future, I decided to create a git server of my own. It will typically help small group of coders, who wish to maintain private repositories within a local network and don't want to do all sorts of setup needed in GitLab and other providers.


  • Install cmake from brew(Mac) or apt-get(linux) package manager. To build from source, follow this link

  • Install libgit2 as follows :

      $ wget
      $ tar xzf v0.23.4.tar.gz
      $ cd libgit2-0.23.4/
      $ cmake .
      $ make
      $ sudo make install
  • Build the project

    Assuming you have installed a recent version of Go, you can simply run

    go get

    This will download Servidor to $GOPATH/src/ From this directory run go build to create the servidor binary.

  • Troubleshooting:-
    ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    This happens for instance in Ubuntu, the libgit2 library is installed within the /usr/local/lib directory, but the linker does not look for it there. To fix this call

      $ sudo ldconfig

Getting started

Start the server by executing servidor binary. By default, servidor will listen to http://localhost:8000 for incoming requests.


./servidor -h
Usage of ./servidor:
  -R	Set Whether ReceivePack(push operation) will be restricted
  -U	Set Whether UploadPack(clone, pull, fetch operations) will be restricted
  -a	Enable basic authentication for all http operations
  -b string
    	Hostname to be used (default "")
  -c string
    	Set the path from where the password file is to be read(to be set whenever -a flag is used)
  -g string
    	Mention the gitPath if its different on hosting machine (default "/usr/bin/git")
  -p string
    	Port on which servidor will listen (default "8000")
  -r string
    	Set the path where repositories will be saved, Just mention the base path("repos" directory will be automatically created inside it) (default "/home/administrator/servidor")
  -s	Enable tls connection


  • Create git repository as follows :

    $ curl -X POST http://<hostname>:<port>/api/repos/create
    -d '{"username":"username1","reponame":"project1"}'
    • Typical successful response :
      "response_message": "repository created successfully",
      "clone_url": "http://<hostname>:<port>/username1/project1.git"
    • Typical unsuccessful response :
       "response_message": "repository already exists for user",
       "clone_url": "http://<hostname>:<port>/username1/project1.git"
  • Now, Clone the repository using the clone_url. Do stuffs, push changes set to remote, pull changes from remote etc.

Setup for extra features

  • To enable basic authentication, create the password file as follows

    The password file has entries of the format : username:password(in SHA-1 encoded format)

    • To generate the password file, use htpasswd tool. Install it by using
    $ sudo apt-get install apache2-utils
    • Once installed you can use
     $ htpasswd -cs path/to/create/password/file/filename username1
     $ htpasswd -s path/to/create/password/file/filename username2

    Note: while creating sha-1 password for the second user, do not use -c flag. It is used to create the file for the first time. See documentation if needed.

  • To enable ssl connection

Generated private key

$ openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048

Generate the certificate

$ openssl req -new -x509 -key server.key -out server.pem -days 3650

Since the certificates are self authorized, server verification must be turned off for clients:

For curl, use -k flag

For git, export GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=1

API References

  • To display the list of APIs available

    $ curl http://<hostname>:<port>


      "create_repo_url": "http://<hostname>:<port>/api/repos/create",
      "user_repositories_url": "http://<hostname>:<port>/api/{user-name}/repos",
      "user_repository_url": "http://<hostname>:<port>/api/{user-name}/repos/{repo-name}",
      "branches_url": "http://<hostname>:<port>/api/{user-name}/repos/{repo-name}/branches{/branch-name}"

Feature to come

  • Webhook support
  • More repo metrics

Libraries Used


MIT, see the LICENSE file.


A smart light-weight git http server








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