This bot can analize stock chart and determine buy and sell moment. The strategy is buys bitcoins in a grow and sells in a fall. Bitcoins sells only with some profit, if no profit, then bot is waiting and is't selling. In this version bot works only with btc_rur pair. Powered by Yii.
- PHP 5.3
- MySQL 5.5
- Yii 1.14
- Clone repository to your system
- Create database with utf8_general_ci collation
- Go to config/main_local.php, set your database setting for test and develop on local
- Start console and go to /protected/
- Start migration - yiic migrate --interactive=0
- Start bot to demonstrate work on last period - yiic cron test
- Configure virtual hosts to project folder from btcbot.loc
- Go to http://btcbot.loc/index.php?r=site/chart to see result. It's looks like this:
- In protected/components/APIProvider.php set constant isVirtual = false;
- Go to config/main.php, set your database setting for production and btc-e key info (take it in your profile in
- Publish code to server
- Run migrations
- In the crontab add job which executes every 3 minutes - yiic cron run
- Enjoy
WARNING: You can lose all your money, and author doesn't guarantee you anything.