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UNOFFICIAL implementation of "IMPARA: Impact-Based Metric for GEC Using Parallel Data", COLING2022


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This is an UNOFFICIAL implementation of IMPARA, one of the reference-less metric for Grammatical Error Correction, proposed in the following paper:

    title = "{IMPARA}: Impact-Based Metric for {GEC} Using Parallel Data",
    author = "Maeda, Koki  and
      Kaneko, Masahiro  and
      Okazaki, Naoaki",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics",
    month = oct,
    year = "2022",
    address = "Gyeongju, Republic of Korea",
    publisher = "International Committee on Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    pages = "3578--3588",

Trained Quallity Estimation model

I have uploaded the trained Quality Estimation model for IMPARA to Huggingface Hub.
gotutiyan/IMPARA-QE: model card.
You can use it by BertForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained('gotutiyan/IMPARA-QE').

gotutiyan/IMPARA-QE achieves 95.93 for Peason's correlation and 93.01 for Spearman's (with 'bert-base-cased' for SE model). For more information, please see here.
Note that this results does not fully achieve the results of the paper.



If you don't specify --restore_dir, gotutiyan/IMPARA-QE will be used for the QE model.

python \
 --src <source_file> \
 --pred <prediction_file>

# If you use your custom QE model
# python \
#  --src <source_file> \
#  --pred <prediction_file> \
#  --restore_dir <directory of your custom QE model>


from transformers import AutoTokenizer, BertForSequenceClassification
from modeling import IMPARA, SimilarityEstimator

se_model = SimilarityEstimator('bert-base-cased')
qe_model = BertForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained('gotutiyan/IMPARA-QE')
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('bert-base-cased')
impara = IMPARA(se_model, qe_model, tokenizer, threshold=0.9).cuda()
src_sents = ['This is a sentence .', 'This is another sentence .']
pred_sents = ['This a is sentence .', 'This is another sentence .']
scores = impara.score(src_sents, pred_sents)
print(scores) # [0.16174763441085815, 0.8121877312660217]

Experiments Procedure

Confirmed that it works on python 3.8.10.

1. Install

Maybe requirements.txt contains unrelated modules but necessary modules are included.

pip install -r requirements.txt

2. Prepare data

mkdir data
cd data
tar -xf release2.3.1.tar.gz 
git clone
python M2Convertor/ \
 -f release2.3.1/original/data/official-preprocessed.m2 \
 -p release2.3.1/original/data/conll13

We will use release2.3.1/original/data/conll13.src and release2.3.1/original/data/conll13.trg.

3. Create supervision data for quality estimation model

Create supervison data from CoNLL-13 parallel data.

The script tries to create 30 samples for each parallel data, so we temporarily obtain about 40000 supervision instances (about 1380 sentences x 30 samples). Then, the instances are shuffled randomly and used only 4096 instances from the front.

The paper said the data is divided 8:1:1 for train, valid and test set, so I divided 3276:410:410.

pwd # IMPARA/data
python ../ \
 --src release2.3.1/original/data/conll13.src \
 --trg release2.3.1/original/data/conll13.trg \
 > all.tsv

cat all.tsv | awk 'NR==1,NR==410 {print}' > test.tsv
cat all.tsv | awk 'NR==411,NR==820 {print}' > valid.tsv
cat all.tsv | awk 'NR>=821 {print}' > train.tsv

4. Train the quality estimation model

Please rewrite OUTDIR variable to be appropriate. Since the training data is very small, the training will be finished around 10 minutes on a A100.

This script also works on multiple GPUs with Accelerate module of Huggingface but a single GPU is enough to train. Here is a setting of Aceelerate to train on a single GPU:

accelerate config
# In which compute environment are you running? ([0] This machine, [1] AWS (Amazon SageMaker)): 0
# Which type of machine are you using? ([0] No distributed training, [1] multi-CPU, [2] multi-GPU, [3] TPU [4] MPS): 0
# Do you want to run your training on CPU only (even if a GPU is available)? [yes/NO]:NO
# Do you want to use DeepSpeed? [yes/NO]: NO
# What GPU(s) (by id) should be used for training on this machine as a comma-seperated list? [all]:
# Do you wish to use FP16 or BF16 (mixed precision)? [NO/fp16/bf16]: NO


pwd # IMPARA/

# OUTDIR=models/model
# mkdir -p ${OUTDIR}
# accelerate launch \
#  --train_file data/train.tsv \
#  --valid_file data/valid.tsv \
#  --epochs 10 \
#  --batch_size 32 \
#  --outdir ${OUTDIR} 

The results will be saved as the following format.

├── best
│   ├── config.json
│   ├── impara_config.json
│   ├── pytorch_model.bin
├── last
│   ├── config.json
│   ├── impara_config.json
│   └── pytorch_model.bin
└── log.json

5. Evaluate

The way is the same as Usage section mentioned above.

Here is an example if your trained model is saved in models/model/best.

python \
 --src <source_file> \
 --pred <prediction_file> \
 --restore_dir models/model/best

Correlation with Human Evaluation

Here is an example to compute correlation with Grundkiewicz +15's Expected Wins score.

mkdir data/conll14
cd data/conll14
bash ../../
cd ../../
bash path/to/model > result.txt
python --human Grundkiewicz15_EW.txt --system result.txt

The input of the is 12 lines consisting of CAMB CUUI AMU POST NTHU RAC UMC PKU SJTU UFC IPN IITB scores.

The trained QE model of gotutiyan/IMPARA-QE achieves 95.93 for Peason's correlation and 93.01 for Spearman's.


UNOFFICIAL implementation of "IMPARA: Impact-Based Metric for GEC Using Parallel Data", COLING2022







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