Online Terms to Graphic Novels as a Service
Work in progress to detect existing speech bubbles in graphic novels and replace with terms and conditions. At present URL and related image data, and a URL to a privacy policy are hard-coded in /src/servers.js
. Running the below commands will start a server at localhost:2000
where the results can be found.
You will need to insert keys for Google's Cloud Vision API and Image Search API in the /config folder. Also, node-canvas has issues with node 7 and above (or maybe it's just me!), and so Babel is used to get access to async/await
(as they are only available in node 7.6.0 and above). Browserify bundles ./public/js/main for the browser.
npm run babel
npm run browserify
node ./compiled/server
- Replace Google Cloud Vision API with Tesseract.js
- More gracefully match length of terms snippet with size of speech bubble
- Develop front end to allow people to generate pages by submitting URL of image and conditions (and submit result for storage potentially)