Author: Malek Adair and Marie Grace Bodur
Live app: GottaLotto
The project allows you to create guesses for the upcoming PowerBall Drawing each Saturday. The app will take all guesses from the previous week and compare them to find out which guess was closest. Once the winning guess is found, it will display in a Winners List on the homepage for all to see their Username, Guess, and their "Message to the World".
If not logged in, the main page displays a welcome section which explains the app and prompts you to create an account and subit a guess.
If not logged in, you are given an option to either create an acocunt, or login to a previously created account. We have routes for both forms (login/register).
Once logged in, the main page displayes previous winning drawings and the "Message to the World" associated with it.
The Guess route will take you to a form to submit your guess for the the upcoming drawing. This controlled form includes 6 input values and a message textarea for the user to include their "Message to the World"
After successfully submitting a guess, you will be redirected to the Guess List route which displays your guess as well as all other guesses for the upcoming drawing.
- gottalotto
- gottalotto-test
- users
- weeks
- drawings
- guesses
• /api/guesses
GET All Guesses
POST New Guess
GET All Winners
PATCH Winning Guess by Guess Id
GET All Guesses by Week Id
• /api/drawings
GET All Drawings
POST New Drawing
GET Drawing by Week Id
• /api/weeks
POST New Week
GET Current Week Id
• /api/users
POST New User
• /api/auth
POST Login
const getLatestDrawing = () => {
// gets full list of power ball drawings
// passes the most recent drawing into next function
.then(res => res.json())
.then(json => createPostDrawing(json[0]))
Cron-Job findWinner() func - This function takes in drawingData as an object, and guessList as an array of objects. It then prepares the data and loops through each guess to find the closest guess to the drawing.
const findWinner = (drawingData, guessList) => {
// compares all guesses against the latest drawing to find a winner.
// takes in drawingData as obj, and guessList as array of objs
const { drawing_1, drawing_2, drawing_3, drawing_4, drawing_5, drawing_power_ball } = drawingData
const drawing = [
//loop through array of objects of each guess from previous week
let highestNumCorrect = 0
let lowestScore = 0
let highestNumCorrectGuessId = null
for (let i = 0; i < guessList.length; i++) {
const guessItem = guessList[i]
// set value of current guessItem
// destructure guessed numbers from each guessItem
const { guess_1, guess_2, guess_3, guess_4, guess_5, power_ball, guess_id } = guessItem
const guess_power_ball = power_ball
// create guess array excluding powerball ( to make sorting guessed numbers possible )
let guess = [
// guess_power_ball
// sort each guess
guess.sort((a, b) => a - b).push(guess_power_ball)
let dSet = new Set(drawing)
let gSet = new Set(guess)
let correctGuesses = [ Set(guess.filter(guessNum => dSet.has(guessNum)))]
let incorrectGuesses = guess.filter(guessNum => !dSet.has(guessNum))
let incorrectDrawings = drawing.filter(drawingNum => !gSet.has(drawingNum))
let numCorrect = correctGuesses.length
if (numCorrect >= highestNumCorrect) {
let score = 0
for (let j = 0; j < incorrectGuesses.length; j++) {
score += Math.abs(incorrectDrawings[j] - incorrectGuesses[j])
if (numCorrect == highestNumCorrect && score < lowestScore) {
lowestScore = score
highestNumCorrectGuessId = guess_id
} else if (numCorrect > highestNumCorrect) {
highestNumCorrect = numCorrect
lowestScore = score
highestNumCorrectGuessId = guess_id
} else {
// don't do a damn thing
fetch(`${config.API_ENDPOINT}/guesses/winner/${highestNumCorrectGuessId}`, {
method: 'PATCH'
• The entry file is ./src/server.js
• Migrations configuration is in ./postgrator-config.js • uses PostgreSQL
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Create development and test databases:
createdb gottalotto
,createdb gottalotto-test
- Create database user:
createuser [username]
- Grant privileges to new user in
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE "gottalotto-test" TO gottalotto-test
- Prepare environment file:
cp example.env .env
- Replace values in
with your custom values. - Bootstrap development database:
npm run migrate
- Bootstrap test database:
npm run migrate:test
For tests involving time to run properly, your Postgres database must be configured to run in the UTC timezone.
- Locate the
file for your Postgres installation.- OS X, Homebrew:
- OS X, Homebrew:
- Uncomment the
line and set it toUTC
as follows:
# - Locale and Formatting -
datestyle = 'iso, mdy'
#intervalstyle = 'postgres'
timezone = 'UTC'
#timezone_abbreviations = 'Default' # Select the set of available time zone
- To seed the database for development:
psql -U [user] -d gottalotto -a -f seeds/seed.gottalotto_tables.sql
- To clear seed data:
psql -U [user] -d gottalotto -a -f seeds/trunc.gottalotto_tables.sql
- Start application for development:
npm run dev
- Run tests:
npm test