A solo project for the Java Web Developer Boot Camp (seventh week).
It is a LinkedIn clone that has roles for recruiters and job seekers.
Job seekers can create their own online resume by entering work experiences, educational achievements, skills, and personal information. After each new post, the job database is automatically searched, and any job posting that match any of the skills for the job that was just posted are displayed to job seeker on home page as a notification. Recruiters can log in and post job listings.
Recruiters and seekers can update their postings and search for people, jobs, companies, and schools. All data is saved to a PostgreSQL relational database.
Experience this app live on Heroku: https://resume-database.herokuapp.com/login
Log in with my test job seeker account: jobseeker/pass
or log in with a test recruiter account: recruiter/pass
Also, You are welcome to sign up as a new recruiter and/or job seeker.