Tooling Commons is a set of libraries to facilitate building tools on top of Gradle. Its development is driven by the requirements that come out of the Buildship project.
Include the Gradle releases repository:
maven {
name 'gradle-releases'
url ''
Include the Tooling Commons dependencies:
dependencies {
compile 'com.gradleware.tooling:toolingmodel:<version>'
compile 'com.gradleware.tooling:toolingclient:<version>'
compile 'com.gradleware.tooling:toolingutils:<version>'
Including the toolingmodel
dependency will include the toolingclient
and toolingutils
dependencies transitively.
Naturally, the Tooling Commons libraries are built with Gradle. Gradle provides an innovative wrapper that allows you to work with a Gradle build without having to manually install Gradle. The wrapper is a batch script on Windows and a shell script on other operating systems.
You should use the wrapper to build the Tooling Commons libraries. Generally, you should use the wrapper for any wrapper-enabled project because it guarantees building with the Gradle version that the build was intended to use.
To build the entire project including running all tests, run the following in the root of the checkout.
./gradlew build
To build the entire project including running all cross-version tests, run the following in the root of the checkout.
./gradlew build -Pcom.gradleware.tooling.integtest.versions=all
The Tooling Commons libraries are continuously built on our Continuous Integration Server.
The Tooling Commons libraries are in an early stage of maturity in terms of their public API. Currently, we do not make any commitments to providing backward-compatibility. We do strive to keep the APIs as stable as possible, though.
Ath this point in time, we do not provide official support for the Tooling Commons libraries.
Both feedback and contributions are very welcome.
This plugin is available under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
Copyright 2015 the original author or authors.