A polymer compatible reusable web element providing a solution for sorting a list of items before displaying them. This component also supports use of custom sort functions using the f
bower install --save grafitto/grafitto-sort
View the API and Demo Here
<div class="wrapper">
<h3>grafitto-sort DEMO</h3>
<paper-checkbox class="styled" id="i" raised>
<span class="subtitle">
Enable case sensitivity
<paper-checkbox class="styled" id="order" raised>
<span class="subtitle">
Enable descending order
<grafitto-sort by="name" as="vitu">
<iron-list items=[[vitu]] as="item">
<paper-item-body two-line>
<div class="small" secondary>{{item.code}}</div>
var f = document.querySelector("grafitto-sort");
f.items = ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven"];
//Set case sensitivity event handler
document.getElementById("i").addEventListener("checked-changed", function(e){
console.log("Setting case sensitivity to: ", e.detail.value?"True":"False");
f.caseSensitive = e.detail.value;
document.getElementById("order").addEventListener("checked-changed", function(e){
console.log("Setting descending to: ", e.detail.value?"True":"False");
f.desc = e.detail.value;
//Listen for value changed
//document.getElementById("like").addEventListener("value-changed", function(from, to){
// f.like = from.detail.value;
var array = ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven"];
<grafitto-sort item=[[array]] as="vitu">
<iron-list items=[[vitu]] as="item">
Items will be sorted to this order: "five","four","one","seven","six","three", "two"
When a simple array is provided, a simple sort is done.
var data = [
home: "Thika"
name: "Doe",
home: "Nairobi"
<grafitto-sort items=[[data]] by="name" as="vitu">
<iron-list items=[[vitu]] as="item">
<div>{{item.name}} - {{grafitto.home}}</div>
Just incase you are wondering, vitu
means items
in Swahili :-)
Items are sorted using the by
also supports complex objects. consider:
var complexObj = [
name: {
first: "Thomas",
second: "Kimtu"
home: "Thika"
name: {
first: "John",
second: "Doe"
home: "Othaya"
name: {
first: "Clement",
second: "Wainaina"
home: "Nakuru"
Here is an example using the complexObj
object above
<grafitto-sort items=[[complexObj]] by="name.first" as="vitu">
<iron-list items=[[vitu]] as="item">
<div>{{item.name.first}} {{item.name.second}}, {{item.home}}</div>
You can also use your custom function to sort the items provided.
The function receives a two instances of the items provided and should return a boolean
<dom-module id="your-element">
<grafitto-sort items=[[data]] id="filter" as="vitu">
<iron-list items=[[vitu]] as="item">
<div>{{item.name}}, {{item.home}}</div>
is: "your-element",
properties: {
data: {
type: Array,
value: [
"home": "Thika"
"name": "Doe",
"home": "Nairobi"
ready: function(){
this.$.filter.f = function(first, second){
return first.localCompare(second);
//treat f as if it will be used as a parameter in sort() function,
//because it will :-)
//Then you can call sort() function to trigger sort