VirtualPyEnv is a plugin for the Python runtime environment in ARCHICAD. VirtualPyEnv uses a multi-interpreter working mode to provide a relatively independent python runtime environment for each vapp (virtual application) of the APPS directory project.
- Archciad 22 (Windows)
- sys.vAppInfo -> APPInfo
- Menu
- MenuItem
- MenuSeparatorItem
- MenuPopupItem
- MenuSimpleItemBase
- MenuSimpleItem
- ToolsContextMenuRequestedEvent
ContextMenu.Invoke(Menu,DGLib.Point) -> unicode
import ACAPI
import ContextMenu
class vMain(object):
def __init__(self):
# single notifyProject mask set
# self.notifyProjectMask=ACAPI.NotifyEventID.Open
# mulite notifyProject mask set
# self.notifyProjectMask=ACAPI.NotifyEventID.Open|ACAPI.NotifyEventID.Close
# AC tools context menu request
# def ToolsContextMenuRequested(self,ev):
# print ev.Invoke([u"L1888823",u"-","K456789",u"M789"])
# AC Plugin hook
# def RegisterInterface(self):
# pass
# AC Plugin hook
# def Initialize(self):
# pass
# AC Plugin hook
# def FreeData(self):
# pass
# AC notify project event hook
# def OnNotifyProjectEvent(self,notifId):
# if notifId == ACAPI.NotifyEventID.Open:
# pass
# pass
[x] python 2.7 env
[x] multi-thread
[x] reboot vapp(virtual application)
[x] tools context menu
[x] auto install python2.7 runtime
[ ] auto install requirements
[ ] auto update vapp(virtual application)
[ ] vapp(virtual application) market
:Archicad Python APIsAPPS
:vapp(virtual application) install dirsEnv
:python2.7 installer