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Nesterov Alexander edited this page Mar 23, 2019 · 6 revisions

Graph coarsening library

Modules description:

Module Description
algorithms Algorithms module (matching, partition, ... )
samples Project use cases
common General purpose functions module
data_structures Data structures module
generators Graph structure generators module
tests Google test module
benchmark Google benchmark module
pipelines Pipelines module (cf. Pipelines page in wiki)

Build and run instructions


  • Python 3.x interpreter is necessary for build
    Linux (Debian): sudo apt install python3

  • For clang compiler you need to install this library:
    Linux (Debian): sudo apt install libiomp-dev

  • Necessary libraries for Python: (pip installation : sudo apt install python3-pip)
    If Python 3.x is default Python in your system you may use pip instead of pip3 as well as python instead of python3

    • code style checking:
    pip3 install cpplint
    • graphics:
    pip3 install matplotlib  
    • creation of xls table:
    pip3 install xlwt 
    • graph visualization:
    pip3 install graphviz
    sudo apt install graphviz
  • Static analysis tool:
    Linux (Debian): sudo apt install cppcheck

    1. Download and setup:
    2. Add path to .exe file to system PATH variable

    macOS: brew install cppcheck

For Linux (Debian): python3 <command>
For Windows: python <command>

Description Command
Code style checking lint
Library build build <compiler>
Run unit tests test <compiler>
Run sample run <compiler> <example>
Run benchmark benchmark <compiler>
Run lint, build, benchmark, test all <compiler>
Draw asymptotic graphics asymp <compiler> <args>
Run pipelines pipelines <compiler>

Note: the default compiler is g++

Example default build library

git submodule update --init --recursive
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . --config Release -- -j2
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