Gravity API, logging abstraction. Allows to create any type of logging output using standard conventions.
* if you want the log files to be save in the current directory, do not set "inDirectory" argument.
var logger = new TraceLogger(applicationName: "myApplication", loggerName: "DataClass", inDirectory: @"C:\Logs");
logger.Debug(message: "This is a debug message");
* You must inherit Logger class.
public class HttpLogger : Logger
private readonly string baseAddress;
private readonly string applicationName;
private static readonly HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
// Will be used to pass values into next constructor.
public HttpLogger(string applicationName, string loggerName)
: this(applicationName, loggerName, baseAddress: "http://localhost:5000/")
{ }
// Custom constructor to take some HTTP Context.
public HttpLogger(string applicationName, string loggerName, string baseAddress)
: base(applicationName, loggerName)
this.baseAddress = baseAddress;
this.applicationName = applicationName;
client.BaseAddress = new Uri(baseAddress);
// Creates a child logger with the same application name.
public override ILogger CreateChildLogger(string loggerName)
return new HttpLogger(applicationName, loggerName, baseAddress);
// Override the message parsing and sending.
// At this point the logMessage is already populated and you can change it before sending.
public override void OnExecutor(string level, IDictionary<string, object> logMessage)
// some message manipulation
logMessage["EndPoint"] = $"{baseAddress}/logging";
logMessage["LogType"] = nameof(HttpLogger);
// setup
var requestBody = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(logMessage);
var content = new StringContent(content: requestBody, Encoding.UTF8, mediaType: "application/json");
// send
client.PostAsync("/loggingServe", content).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
* if you want the log files to be sent to "http://localhost:5000", do not set "baseAddress" argument.
var logger = new HttpLogger(applicationName: "myApplication", loggerName: "DataClass", baseAddress: @"http://loggingserver/");
logger.Debug(message: "This is a debug message");