This software simulates DLA while continuously increasing the simulation space to not limit the aggregate's growth.
Seed color - The initial color of the center particle
Color variation - How much neighbouring particles' colors are allowed to differ
Branch thickness - When rendering branches, how thick they should be
Iterations per frame - The speed of the simulation
Particles count - The amount of particles that are moving around the aggregate
Zoom smoothness - How fluid the camera movements should be
World-aggregate ratio - How much bigger the simulation space should be in coma=parison to the aggregate
Zoom-aggregate ratio - How much bigger the viewport should be than the aggregate
Particle radius - The size of a particle. Affects both dynamic particles and particles in the aggregate.
Branch animation time - How fast the animation of a growing branch should be
Bin margin min - When the aggregate gets this close to the spatial acceleration structure's edge, it should resize
Bin margin max - When the bins structure is resized, the new margin from the aggregate should be this big