Scaffolds an iOS app that uses an Jhipster generated api
First, install Yeoman and generator-ios-jhi using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-ios-jhi
Create a folder and go inside
mkdir my-ios-project && cd my-ios-project
then generate the code:
yo ios-jhi
install cocoa pods (skip if already installed)
sudo gem install cocoapods
install dependencies
pod install
open the xcworkspace file with XCode
Set the url where you have your jhipster app running in the app delegate. Then run the app. You should be able to sign in.
On your web/api project use the jhipster-social-login-api to add the extra controllers that you need and follow the instructions
For Google: You will need 2 Credentials. The web credential that uses the server and a iOS credential for the app.
Copy the Client ID from your iOS credential and replace YOUR_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID in AppDelegate and Copy the Reversed Client ID from your iOS credential and replace YOUR_GOOGLE_REVERSED_CLIENT_ID and in YOUR_GOOGLE_URL_SCHEME Copy the Client ID from the credential that uses the server and replace YOUR_GOOGLE_SERVER_CLIENT_ID in the AppDelegate
You should be able to sign in with Google
For Facebook:
Copy your App identifier (only numbers) and replace YOUR_FACEBOOK_ID in then replace YOUR_FACEBOOK_URL_SCHEME with "fb" concatenated with yout facebook id
You should be able to sign in with Facebook
Create an iOS App in your Firebase console, download the GoggleService-Info.plist and replace the existing in project
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