An application for navigating the train system in the Twin Cities. Built for Udacity's Senior Web Developer Nanodegree.
This is a Progressive Web App and comes with many of the things you would expect to see from a PWA.
Here's an overview of some of the cool features in this app:
- an app shell architecture (for fast start-up times)
- a service worker for caching data and updating the app
- offline-first functionality
- responsive design
- HTTPS only
- easy to add to the home screen on mobile for an app-like feel
There's a live version hosted here.
To run the app locally, first make sure you have polymer-cli:
npm install -g polymer-cli
Then clone and build the app:
git clone
cd transit-app
polymer build
Finally, serve up the app and view it at localhost:8080:
cd build/bundled
polymer serve