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Changes for 2014.03

andylyall edited this page Mar 14, 2014 · 5 revisions

Dasein Cloud 2014.03 is currently in active development with a target release date sometime during March 2014.

New Clouds

  • Google Compute Engine (and Drive storage)

Cloud Updates

  • Added additional methods to allow support for AWS autoscaling
  • Added support for AWS IAM instance profiles

General Changes

  • Added the ability to discover what information is needed to connect to a cloud
  • Added a completely new mechanism for connecting to clouds (the old mechanism is deprecated)
  • Added support for namespaces and looking for unique names within a given namespace
  • Added support for looking up and applying naming constraints for a given type of resource
  • Altered DNS resolution to be on-demand to reduce unnecessary processing time
  • Added support for tagging in subnets
  • Added the concept of visible scope to certain resources (Used when resources don't fit in the standard region/data center model)
  • Removed lots of obsolete 'abstract' modifier keywords

Compute Services

  • Added launching multiple virtual machines in a single API call
  • Added the ability to fetch friendly name naming constraints on virtual machines
  • Built-in a method for validating host names
  • All resource capability indicators have been moved out of the related classes into their own Capabilities classes
  • Added support for provider role IDs and to set detailed monitoring
  • Added methods to retrieve volume IDs attached to Virtual Machines
  • Added method to request automatic provisioning of public IP address on launch of VM (for supporting clouds)

Network Services

  • Added the concept of FirewallRuleCreateOptions
  • Added a rule authorize method using FirewallRuleCreateOptions
  • Added a default implementation of authorize using create options
  • Added concept of firewall constraints showing how rules are constrained by a given firewall
  • Added support for creating a firewall alongside a set of rules and constraints
  • Added deeper support for creating and managing health checks in load balancers

Identity Services

  • None

Platform Services

  • Added support for data warehousing services like AWS Redshift

Converged Infrastructure Services

  • None

Storage Services

  • Adjusted signedObjectURL to use ProviderContext values rather than additional key