Uses an Arduino and a servo to wag the tail of a Home Depot outdoor husky decoration.
The Home Depot christmas husky decoration conveniently uses a wire frame that fits within the mounting holes of the Actuonix L16 servo. I recommend the L16-140-35-6-R model, which is what I used to test this project.
The Arduino that I used was an old, Uno-compatible SparkFun BlackBoard that I had laying around.
I powered the Arduino with a 12V 1A wall wart power supply, with a standard barrel jack. The servo's red pin was connected to 5V, the servo's black pin was connected to GND, and the servo's white pin was connected to digital pin 9.
I used diagonal wire cutters to snip the husky's wire frame, in order to mount the servo, although it was a bit of a tough job for them.
For libraries, I used the arduino-timer and Servo libraries. You can install them using the Arduino IDE.