Widget caching for Erector.
Note: This only works at the widget level as this is essentially a fragment caching utility, and will not work for widgets rendered directly from a controller. (widget vs render_widget)
sudo gem install erector_cache
Checkout redis github.com/antirez/redis and install
First, connect to the Redis database. This would most likely go into an environment.rb.
This will connect to a default database on localhost, if you want to connect to a particular database you can do:
Lawnchair.connectdb(Redis.new(:database => 11, :host => "", :port => 6379))
cache_for - Use this to tell the widget how long it should be cached for. Defaults to 1 hour
cache_with - These are the widget parameters you want to use to build the cache key
expire! - Expire the instances of a widget matching the given parameters
class Bluth < Erector::Widget cache_with :name, :mistake cache_for 3.seasons def content div "My name is #{@name} and #{@mistake.to_param}" end end class Mistake < ORM::Base attr_reader :updated_at def initialize(size) @size = size || :huge @updated_at = Time.now end def size @size end def to_param "I_just_made_a_#{size}_mistake" end end
In the simple case the cache key will be built off of the value of the parameter eg.
widget Bluth, :name => "George Michael", :mistake => "consubrinaphilia"
This will yield a cache key of “Lawnchair:Bluth:name:GeorgeMichael:mistake:consubrinaphilia”
You can also pass whole objects into the widget and build the cache based on this. It will default to using the to_param of the object as the key component value.
@mistake = Mistake.create(:huge) widget Bluth, :name => "Gob", :mistake => @mistake
This will yield a cache key of “Lawnchair:Bluth:name:Gob:mistake:I_just_made_a_huge_mistake”
This is essentially the same as doing this, which opens up more complex possibilities for generating cache keys
class Bluth < Erector::Widget cache_with :name, :mistake => lambda {|mistake| mistake.to_param } end @mistake = Mistake.create(:huge) widget Bluth, :name => "Gob", :mistake => @mistake
Using this, we could set the cache to auto expire every time the associated object is updated.
class Bluth < Erector::Widget cache_with :name, :mistake => lambda {|mistake| mistake.updated_at } end
Widget expiration is possible by calling the widget class’s expire! method and passing in as much information about the keys to expire as you want.
Assume the following have occurred:
widget Bluth, :name => "Tobias", :mistake => "I_just_blue_myself" widget Bluth, :name => "Tobias", :mistake => "analyst_and_therapist" widget Bluth, :name => "Buster", :mistake => "swimming_with_seal"
You can expire all Bluth widgets regardless of what the values of the params passed into them with:
You can expire only the Bluth widget with :mistake => “I_just_blue_myself” by using:
Bluth.expire!(:mistake => "I_just_blue_myself")
You can expire all widgets with :name => “Tobias” with:
Bluth.expire!(:name => "Tobias")
Likewise, calling the following will expire only the one cached version of the widget that exists, leaving the other instance in the cache:
Bluth.expire!(:name => "Tobias", :mistake => "I_just_blue_myself")
Any cache key component that is not passed into the expire! method will result in a wildcard match on that component, allowing you to be as specific as you wish.
Note: Lawnchair will automatically condense spaces, so don’t feel constrained to using underscores or dashes in keys.
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