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✨ argon2 ✨

Build Status

This provides a Pure Go implemention for Argon2 password hashing. It is intended to be an almost drop in replacement for lhecker's amazing argon2 library.


See _example/example.go for a simple introduction and try it out with:

go run _example/example.go


  • Config.Parallelism is now a uint8 instead of uint32 as required by the underlying crypto library
  • The crypto implementation does not support generation using Argon2d
  • Errors still need to be properly implemented at the Go end
    • This is mainly a case of implementing the PHC/Argon2 C++ pre-hash validation checks.



Benchmarks are run on each build. Follow the build badge link to check the latest status on benchmarking results via TravisCI.

Build Status

The following manual benchmark was performed on a i7-4770 @ 3.40GHz with AData DDR3 1333MHz memory.

goos: windows
goarch: amd64
goversion: go version go1.11 windows/amd64
BenchmarkHash-8                        	      50	  27979234 ns/op
BenchmarkNativeArgonBindingsHash-8     	      30	  42269670 ns/op
BenchmarkVerify-8                      	      50	  26799596 ns/op
BenchmarkNativeArgonBindingsVerify-8   	      30	  41367290 ns/op
BenchmarkEncode-8                      	10000000	       159 ns/op	 540.54 MB/s
BenchmarkDecode-8                      	 5000000	       265 ns/op	 324.04 MB/s
BenchmarkSecureZeroMemory16-8          	300000000	         4.50 ns/op	3557.50 MB/s
BenchmarkSecureZeroMemory64-8          	300000000	         5.20 ns/op	12307.78 MB/s
BenchmarkSecureZeroMemory256-8         	200000000	         9.29 ns/op	27550.88 MB/s
BenchmarkSecureZeroMemory1024-8        	100000000	        22.9 ns/op	44633.69 MB/s
BenchmarkSecureZeroMemory4096-8        	20000000	        77.0 ns/op	53194.84 MB/s
BenchmarkSecureZeroMemory1048576-8     	   50000	     39450 ns/op	26579.48 MB/s