A Switzerland bike route computer. (EPFL BA2 Semester Project)
Java entry point: src/ch/epfl/javelo/gui/JaVelo.java
- Place a new waypoint: single mouse clic
- Remove a waypoint: single mouse clic on waypoint
- Move a waypoint: mouse drag and drop on waypoint
- Place a new waypoint, between two existing waypoints: single mouse clic over the route
- Eport route as GPX: using the top left application menu
The map tiles are downloaded from OpenStreetMap and cached locally.
When no route was found between at least two of the waypoints, the entire route will not be displayed.
The entire app is written in Java 17 using JavaFx.
There are a total of 628 unit tests covering every part of the application except the GUI.
The data required by the application (OSM cache and Switzerland map) is stored in .javelo