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VMRC - Virtual Machine image Repository & Catalog

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A Virtual Machine Image Repository & Catalog Developed by the Grid and High Performance Computing Group (GRyCAP) at the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV).

Web page:

0 Introduction

VMRC is client-server system (based on Web Services) to index and store Virtual Machine Images (VMI) along with its metadata (OS, applications, etc.). It supports matchmaking to obtain the appropriate VMIs that satisfy a given set of hard (must) requirements and soft (should) requirements.

It is useful as a catalog of VMIs that can stored on the VMI repository systems of the different Cloud Management Platforms (such as OpenNebula or OpenStack) or on public Clouds (such as Amazon Web Services). This way, customized VMIs are indexed in VMRC and applications can query, as an example, for a VMI based on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS with Java and Octave already installed.

Current version: 2.1.2

This repository only includes the VMRC server. Additional packages available in GitHub are:

The easiest and fastest way to deploy VMRC is using Docker:

1 Features

  • Multi-user support.
  • Fine-grained authorization (per User and per VMI).
  • Hypervisor-agnostic
  • OVF support

2 Compilation & Installation

Note that using the Docker image provided is recommended for easy deployment of VMRC. Proceed at your own risk.

VMRC has been developed in Java using Spring, Hibernate and an SQL-based backend (such as MySQL or HSQLDB). It is a web service that has to be deployed in an application server (such as Apache Tomcat).

2.1 Requirements

  • Java JDK 1.7+
  • Maven (to compile from sources and generate the WAR file)
  • Apache Tomcat (to deploy the WAR). Works on version 7+ up to 7.0.28 included. Notice that it might not work with newer versions.
  • (Optional) An SQL-based database (tested on MySQL 5+)

If you are working on Linux (assuming Ubuntu), you can easily install the dependencies (Git, Java + Maven) with:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk git maven

Install the appropriate version of Apache Tomcat.

VMRC server can operate with an in-memory database provided by HSQLDB (just for testing).

2.2 Compilation and Installation (from sources)

  1. Clone this repository:
git clone
  1. Compile from sources with the command:
mvn package

If compilation is successful (BUILD SUCCESS), the generated WAR file will be located in target/vmrc.war 3. Deploy vmrc.war into Apache Tomcat (simply drop the war file into Tomcat's webapps folder). 4. Start Apache Tomcat

  • $TOMCAT_HOME/bin/
  1. VMRC server's endpoint should be available at http://your_ip:8080/vmrc/vmrc (no GUI, just a WS endpoint)
  2. Check the VMRC server's manual available at the website for further configuration or the [manual] folder in the repo.

3 Configuration

The VMRC Server is pre-configured with an in-memory HSQLDB-based database. This should be employed for testing purposes. If you want to use another SQL-based backend, proceed accordingly by configuring [TOMCAT_HOME]/webapps/vmrc/WEB-INF/classes/hibernate.cfg.xml A MySQL-based configuration is provided for your convenience.

4 Testing

If you want to test VMRC you have to install the vmrc-client.


Virtual Machine image Repository & Catalog







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