This is the website for the GSA Office of the Chief Technology Officer.
This is a Hugo-based website designed to be published on the Pages platform.
The website utilizes the US Web Design System.
Ensure you have the following installed on your local machine:
First, install the project's dependencies:
npm install
Then you can run the site locally with live reloading and local CMS:
npm start
You should now be able to preview the site on your local machine at http://localhost:1313/. The CMS is at http://localhost:1313/admin/.
This project uses Hugo Pipes to manage most static asset files. It also uses uswds-compile to manage USWDS-specific assets, as well as the site's stylesheet.
To override USWDS settings, edit assets/sass/uswds-settings.scss. We generally prefer to customize these settings rather then create new CSS style declarations when possible.
To edit site styles, use assets/sass/styles.scss.
After changing the styles, recompile them with npx gulp compile
. Or you can automatically compile edited Sass files during development by running: npx gulp watch
or just npx gulp
Note that when updating USWDS to a newer version, it may be necessary to manually merge the newer files with the customizations to ensure that USWDS is importing the site's custom styles file.
As a work of the United States Government, this project is in the public domain within the United States.