This repository contains a selection of Georg's DPDK examples.
2021, Georg Sauthoff
Assuming you have DPDK installed under /opt/dpdk-20.11.2
can compile the examples like this:
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/dpdk-20.11.2/lib64/pkgconfig
meson build --buildtype debugoptimized
cd build
Pingpong is a simple program that demonstrates the basic API of the (lockless) DPDK Ring library and measures the overhead of transmitting small data between two threads through such a ring (buffer).
Example call:
./pingpong -l 4-7 --main-lcore 4 -n 2 --in-memory --allow 05:00.1 \
--socket-mem $((4*1024)) 2>&1 \
| grep USER1 \
| datamash -t ' ' --header-out -s -g 2 min 3 q1 3 median 3 q3 3 max 3 count 3 \
| column -t
This example shows how to send UDP multicast packets in an efficient way while modifying header fields that are usually cumbersome and expensive to modify when using the POSIX socket API (think: IP TOS field). It uses a DPDK memory pool for the packets where all packets are pre-initialized (i.e. before later alloc calls) such that only changing headers/fields need to be modified.
When available, the program tries to offload checksum computation as much as possible.
The program is driven by a run control file which is read by a helper thread that pushes commands into a ring buffer which are interpreted by a sender thread.
Example call:
./mcast_send -l 3-5 --main-lcore 3 -n 2 --in-memory --allow 05:00.1 \
--socket-mem $((4*1024)) -- -r 1024 ../mcast.rc