Fills a 1-d landscape with discrete height function with water.
One unit of water is added to each segment per time step.
cargo run [myinput.toml]
The input file must have two fields: duration d: positiv integer profile P: List of N+1 positive integers
Example: duration = 1 profile = [0, 1, 2, 3]
The program returns a list of final levels of water and land to STDOUT.
- Data structures are often not passed in a good way. This leaves room for optimisations.
P = p_0, ..., p_i, ..., p_N
- global minimum
p_min = min(P)
- global maximum
p_max = max(P)
- peak local maximum
- watershed peak that distributes water to either side
- well range of segments between two peaks
- saturation volume
v_sat = sum_i ( p_max - p_i )
- right in direction of increasing i
- left in direction of decreasing i
- no rain d=0
- too much rain
d > p_max - p_min
- saturation rain
d * N >= v_sat
- level profile
p_i = p_j
for alli, j < N
- (fn 1) identify rightmost highest peak(s) with height
- check if adjacent peaks segments have same height, if yes add to peak
- define range left and right of peak
- distribute water based on relative size of left/right ranges [this step needs careful corrections for boundary effects]
- check if distributed water for a range exceeds its holding capacity, if yes distribute to other side.
- determine average water level in each range for sum of water + displacement by submerged ground
- return (fn 1): recursion into left problem (fn 1) with left range and left water as parameters
- tail return (fn 1): recursion into right problem (fn 1) with right range, water as parameter
- return result when peak is already submerged
- return result when peak is rightmost field in range
- average over two passes, one with reversed
vector, then average results; this removes a boundary problem that distributes slightly more water to the right.
Recursion depth is limited by the largest possible number of peaks and one
s = (ceiling(N/2) - 1) + 1
. Complexity is at its worst O[2^s].