##Introduction Absa is an analyser developed for aspects sentiment analysis of restaurant reviews. This is the result of analysis showed on a dashboard based on web components and D3.js. To view your data you can use widgets and visualize it through them.
##Getting Started
If you want to easy try Absa, just download this repository (cloning it to your computer or downloading it as a .zip) and open the main folder absa/
in the bash console and run a simple server such as the python one python -m SimpleHTTPServer <port>
and open the web browser with localhost:<port>
in the url field and explore data.
##Polymer - Web Components Technology
Polymer is a technology based on web components, so we could make a new component with diferent estructures of html, styles with css, and give some dinamic functions using Javascript.
Those components will be reusable only importing the tag <component-tag></component-tag>
and they could share information using data binding among them.
##Reviews Data
The data used for the dashboard is the Semeval 2015 ABSA dataset (Task 12) for restaurant domain, available here: http://alt.qcri.org/semeval2015/task12/